Friday, April 17, 2015

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Originally forwarder ardiana forwarder Rrizonit lie about breast t (today Kotor bay) and t Neretva. Ardiante extending its powers in all other provinces that were under the first m taulantve rule. Ardiana important matters playing a role in the wars against the Roman invaders, during the third century - II BC, in Kohn when the Mbretris ardiana dynasty ruled Illyria. The capital of the ardianve was Shkodra. forwarder 'Kraja of Shkodra, the path between East and West, the Albanian territories among Balts (t Shkodra Lake) and romana (Rumis) s saint, is archeology values t numerous'. '
'Kraja of Shkodra, the path between East and West, the Albanian territories among Balts (t Shkodra forwarder Lake) and romana (Rumis) s saint, is archeology values t numerous'. "It was not coincidence the fact that the author of the monument forwarder to par in Albanian language (Missal) John Buzuku, was from Kraja, from this area with tradition in culture and education fushne medieval . ' N centers ksaj three, n Ostros, today the municipality of Bar, located and operating Elementary School "Gjergj Kastrioti-Sknderbeu '...' The origins of edukats and education in Kraj parte t have searched the Albanians, the Labeates forwarder (ruins), forwarder t CILT were heyday of European culture, and pedagogy (politely) albano-Albanian folk . However, m as known to date, educational forms of money in this area, as well as to other regions in the northern Albanian albano-organized religious orders, originally Benedictine, t CIL t stayed and developed their activities in these regions VI-XIII century, after t cilve came and dominated in these areas pjestarte Dominican order. In this any field also influenced factor and conquering other neighboring peoples, as Hellenic, Roman, Venetian, Slavs, Ottomans, etc. '. N academic year 1928/29, exactly m 10 March 1929 opened the first school forwarder in Kraj (in Serbian) n Maxhuraj (Ostros), forwarder n House Smajl Maxhurit, the which continued its activity up in 1941. Its par Msuesja was Milka Savic, forwarder who worked three years in this school. The first Kshilli school iksaj prbhej the ASEM eka_Gjeniqi, SAIT Kanaqi and Met-Kovai Alia. N 1935/36 school year opened the second elementary school in Kraj, in Martic (also in Serbian), n t cilni msimet pupils attended Martic , t and t Boboshtit Kshtenjs. Msuese was Antonia Markovic. Fascist forwarder occupation brought a new political forwarder reality of education to the n Kraj, when m 22 July 1942 and joined Prefekturss Kraja Shkodra. 'N academic year 1941/42 was al Elementary School in Ostros Skanderbeg. Albanian eksaj primary school teachers were from Albania: forwarder Prek Gjakova, Nuh Kii, Kaqe Pine and Ilia gravel. N the month of May 1942 it had 74 nxns school, to all boys'. 4 After the Second World War, Kraja prsri was found within the administrative boundaries of political t s new socialist Yugoslavia. N academic forwarder year 1945/46, prprgaditjen and mirvajtjen emsimit, stayed and worked nearly four months in Kraj teachers from the mountain side, Fadil Avdiu and Met Kurti. M 1 September 1946 was al elementary schools in Albanian language in Maxhuraj, n t cilne msimin pupils forwarder attending the Great Ostrosi, Ostrosi of small Arbnesh from Skjeja. Teachers ksaj par t have dogs: Veli Hoxha and Jamal Avdiu. N the first year the school had 161 nxns this school. N academic year 1946/47 was al the n Martic in Albanian language schools with teachers: Met Kurti, Hasan Hoxha (Gjebritaj), Adam Gjokaj and Ali cuku. N that year, the school had 64 nxns by Martic, Kshtenja, Ftjani and Boboshti. Later this school passes in Ramushaj. Els N academic year 1947/48 elementary schools in Albanian language in Dragovic, with Halil msues Avdi. The school had 49 nxns. Later it passed in Kshtenj. Primary school kt passing year Maxhurajve coursed t n t Great Ostrosit par with teachers kranjan Recep Lanin (Gjebritaj). Yes kt year els even primary schools in Arbnesh, with Janko msues ciln Perkolnn t msimin 87 nxns followed by Arbnesh and Skjeja. Prof. Dr. Hajrullah Koliqi: 'History Education racist', Pristina, 1999. N 1948/49 school year, the primary school was al n Ftjan, with 58 nxns, with Hysen msues cuku and schools n primary Bobosht 70 nxns, with msues Ali cuku. In the school year 1951/52 as a teacher works Salo Kurmemoviqi Side Mount. N elementary school in the academic year 1952/53 forwarder in Ostros was added fifth grade. In the school year 1953/54 as Curoviqi Myrto teacher works well. N academic year 1955/56 school Pruning tetklasore. Kraja began to continue forwarder secondary education, many of t cilve in normal schools (vocational schools for teachers), in Niksic, Pristina, Ferizaj, Gjakova and Skopje. M 1960 dol

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