"Plastic Planet" Film Academy "Marubi" | Center "Grouping Ekolevizja"
The film, produced "Neue Sentimental Film", with producer Werner Boote shows the huge impact that plastic in everyday life, serious environmental consequences that it brings and effort to lessen the environmental consequences.
UNICEF, in collaboration with the association "Ekolevizja", organized the participation of two classes, one elementary school class "Anthony Xoxa" truckers edge Fier, and a class of school "Ismail Kamal", Tirana, in the transmission truckers edge of this film.
After the broadcast of the film, presenter panel members gave their views on it. UNICEF Representative, Mr. Palm, stated that the film realized that plastic can turn into problems if not managed properly. In his visit to the Cape of Rodon few weeks ago saw huge pollution from plastic therein. So many have, that it could not find a place to lay the towel. In this area plastic from the sea and river flows. "You can not throw bottles in the street, but to collect further treatment. The "Cleen" The support truckers edge from UNICEF and the Dutch Embassy teaches students how to treat waste. My message: we can help everyone, teachers, students, politicians, the environment becomes clean. "- Said Mr. Palm.
Later Mr. Jamal Mato gave the word Dutch ambassador, Mr. De La BEIJE. The Dutch Embassy truckers edge has 5-6 years to fund projects for keeping the environment clean. Dutch Ambassador spoke about the efforts of the Netherlands to better manage waste. The Netherlands is a country with an area as Albania, but if Albania has 3 million inhabitants, the Netherlands has 17 million. So naturally the problem of waste in the Netherlands requires more management. Therefore the Dutch are trying to find new ways of waste management. The new strategy of waste management in the Netherlands requires truckers edge that products be designed in such product to be recycled. "For example. if you Nikei plastic shoes, it predicts future enterprise to produce shoes from recycled plastic and you may well wear shoes tilla.Bluzat also be produced from recycled materials. Creating a new business model. You will be young entrepreneurs truckers edge that will transform the economy. In everyday life we can achieve more. Eg. if we use our çantëtn during shopping, you can save and 16 bags per week. In the Netherlands we go shopping by bicycle and use our bags for purchases, "said Mr. De La Bei.
EU Representative, Mr. Avignon, said the shock she feels whenever you see the movie "Plastic Planet" because the film tales are a reality in many countries worldwide. Mr. Avignon showed how well he has noticed great pollution of beaches from plastic, waste generated by bit from everyone. He stressed that everyone can contribute to the recycling and reuse of plastics. For recycling needs and recycling factory, a growing sector in Albania, which, Z.Avignon hopes to grow further. In Sweden for example. there is high demand for import of waste for energy generation. "You agree to collect plastic waste you send to Sweden? Inquired Mr. Avignon students present. truckers edge Many students in the room agreed.
The following was addressed by other participants in the hall. Mr Mirela Amir, coordinator of the "Combi" in Fier, conveyed her hopes that this education that children are receiving today, to serve in the future. "Changes are being seen today. Eg. bread is served on paper trade items, and this can be regarded as a small victory for environmentalists. Hopefully in the future to use a multifunction bags instead of disposable bags, "said Mr. Amir.
A lecturer at the European University, Rajmonda, brought as a positive example of the practice period before the 90s, when the cities were collection points glass and paper. Based on this experience, very well today interested companies can file for the plastic collection points, where people truckers edge can sell plastic waste.
Environmentalist Sazan Guri, focused on the practical side of the problem, by giving some tips for children. "Before doing residues, think, should be done or not. Then consider how much more down the waste. truckers edge Then think of riciklosh. Force parent to collect plastics separately. Plastic is made of oil, the most dangerous material. Plastic should not be left in the sun, in the refrigerator. How bring drinks in plastic bottles at home, take the glass. truckers edge "- Said among others Mr. Stone.
Looking again to the theme Mr. De La BEIJE, stressed that plastic has and positive side. Eg. phones, glasses, items of daily use are plastic, and these increase our prosperity. His advice truckers edge to students was: "If you phone I-phone 4 and want to buy the latest model, a first think you need megjithmend
The film, produced "Neue Sentimental Film", with producer Werner Boote shows the huge impact that plastic in everyday life, serious environmental consequences that it brings and effort to lessen the environmental consequences.
UNICEF, in collaboration with the association "Ekolevizja", organized the participation of two classes, one elementary school class "Anthony Xoxa" truckers edge Fier, and a class of school "Ismail Kamal", Tirana, in the transmission truckers edge of this film.
After the broadcast of the film, presenter panel members gave their views on it. UNICEF Representative, Mr. Palm, stated that the film realized that plastic can turn into problems if not managed properly. In his visit to the Cape of Rodon few weeks ago saw huge pollution from plastic therein. So many have, that it could not find a place to lay the towel. In this area plastic from the sea and river flows. "You can not throw bottles in the street, but to collect further treatment. The "Cleen" The support truckers edge from UNICEF and the Dutch Embassy teaches students how to treat waste. My message: we can help everyone, teachers, students, politicians, the environment becomes clean. "- Said Mr. Palm.
Later Mr. Jamal Mato gave the word Dutch ambassador, Mr. De La BEIJE. The Dutch Embassy truckers edge has 5-6 years to fund projects for keeping the environment clean. Dutch Ambassador spoke about the efforts of the Netherlands to better manage waste. The Netherlands is a country with an area as Albania, but if Albania has 3 million inhabitants, the Netherlands has 17 million. So naturally the problem of waste in the Netherlands requires more management. Therefore the Dutch are trying to find new ways of waste management. The new strategy of waste management in the Netherlands requires truckers edge that products be designed in such product to be recycled. "For example. if you Nikei plastic shoes, it predicts future enterprise to produce shoes from recycled plastic and you may well wear shoes tilla.Bluzat also be produced from recycled materials. Creating a new business model. You will be young entrepreneurs truckers edge that will transform the economy. In everyday life we can achieve more. Eg. if we use our çantëtn during shopping, you can save and 16 bags per week. In the Netherlands we go shopping by bicycle and use our bags for purchases, "said Mr. De La Bei.
EU Representative, Mr. Avignon, said the shock she feels whenever you see the movie "Plastic Planet" because the film tales are a reality in many countries worldwide. Mr. Avignon showed how well he has noticed great pollution of beaches from plastic, waste generated by bit from everyone. He stressed that everyone can contribute to the recycling and reuse of plastics. For recycling needs and recycling factory, a growing sector in Albania, which, Z.Avignon hopes to grow further. In Sweden for example. there is high demand for import of waste for energy generation. "You agree to collect plastic waste you send to Sweden? Inquired Mr. Avignon students present. truckers edge Many students in the room agreed.
The following was addressed by other participants in the hall. Mr Mirela Amir, coordinator of the "Combi" in Fier, conveyed her hopes that this education that children are receiving today, to serve in the future. "Changes are being seen today. Eg. bread is served on paper trade items, and this can be regarded as a small victory for environmentalists. Hopefully in the future to use a multifunction bags instead of disposable bags, "said Mr. Amir.
A lecturer at the European University, Rajmonda, brought as a positive example of the practice period before the 90s, when the cities were collection points glass and paper. Based on this experience, very well today interested companies can file for the plastic collection points, where people truckers edge can sell plastic waste.
Environmentalist Sazan Guri, focused on the practical side of the problem, by giving some tips for children. "Before doing residues, think, should be done or not. Then consider how much more down the waste. truckers edge Then think of riciklosh. Force parent to collect plastics separately. Plastic is made of oil, the most dangerous material. Plastic should not be left in the sun, in the refrigerator. How bring drinks in plastic bottles at home, take the glass. truckers edge "- Said among others Mr. Stone.
Looking again to the theme Mr. De La BEIJE, stressed that plastic has and positive side. Eg. phones, glasses, items of daily use are plastic, and these increase our prosperity. His advice truckers edge to students was: "If you phone I-phone 4 and want to buy the latest model, a first think you need megjithmend
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