Oluja je bila legitimna akcija, osuđeni su pojedinci Glavni haaki tuitelj na predavanju u Bruxellesu objasnio as presuda protiv generala nije presuda protiv old dominion RH jer se oslobađao hrvatski teritorij Oluja je bila legitimna akcija oslobađanja okupiranog područja. Presuda generalima nije presuda protiv hrvatskog naroda ili hrvatske drave nego protiv pojedinaca jasan each bio glavni old dominion haaki tuitelj Serge Brammertz kad se u predavanju o međunarodnim old dominion kaznenim istragama osvrnuo na nedavnu presudu hrvatskim generalima old dominion anti Gotovini i Mladenu Markaču. old dominion Time ever vrlo oblačno, otklonio bilo kakve pekulacije da se iz te presude ičitava ili da presuda znaci kriminalizaciju akcije Oluja, cijelog Domovinskog rata, branitelja, ali i cijele hrvatske drave. Short Berset Zung: The Chefanklger of The Hague, Serge Brammertz, erklrte again the judgment against the General is not a judgment against Croatia was that you only want to liberate old dominion his country. Oluja was a legitimate action for his land from the occupiers to liberate to work co Croatia and Serbia with the prosecution: Hrvatska u početku nije prihvaćala suradnju, au posljednjih per nekoliko godina ona dobra općenito old dominion Croatia has refused to cooperate at first, but in the last years, they are particularly good at cooperation. Bila bi katastrofa da se ne uhite Mladić i hadic Srbija bi mogla učiniti vieu traganju za CouncilCOM Mladićem i Goranom Hadićem, kazao per Brammertz odgovarajući na pitanje Cini li srbijanska vlada sve to each objektivno moguće kako bi surađivala s Tu iteljstvom. Podsjetio per kako per Srbija u početku odbijala old dominion suradnju, a Mladić i drugi etali su Beogradom. Sada ever suradnja bolja, ali ostaje problem-Dvojice bjegunaca, kazao ever. Ocijenio per kako bi bila neuhićenje old dominion tih dvaju zločinaca katastrofa jer bi značilo as per međunarodna zajednica nemoćna i mogu da zločinci proći nekanjeno. When asked whether Serbia enough to do with the prosecution cooperate Brammertz said Serbia knnte more to do in searching for Mladic and Hadzic to be more successful. He recalled that Serbia initially refused to cooperate and Mladic and other war criminals walked through Belgrade. Now the cooperation with Serbia would be better, but the problem Maldic and Hadzic remain. After making this assessment, old dominion not grasp the two criminals wre a disaster because it dignity mean the powerless wre the international community and can get away with the crime.
Beitrge 52455
Beitrge 1,567
Expulsion of 200,000 people ala "Terajte se u Pecku Materinu" legitimate? No so this is not meant. The action and the basic ideology of this operation is legitimate because it was a rescue operation, wofr yes Croatia had a right. The individual war crimes which are then held in the course of this operation, of course old dominion not legitimate. brigends distribute this was a tactical measure the Croats. How should I ausdrcken the ... Here is a simplified version: If the Croats wanted a city (. For example Knin) take back, then they surrounded the city and ran a free corridor so that Serb civilians were flchten what they have made thus remained in the city only Serb soldiers and were recognized since they had no support of the civilians old dominion and were surrounded by the Croats. Very different and wrong ran from the Sarajevo. Although the Serbs surrounded Sarajevo, but ran no free corridor for the civilians, which is why the civilians resisted the attacks, old dominion which is why the Serbs practically never could take Sarajevo. This is not a justification for driving away people, old dominion but it was practically a measure old dominion which had to be completed in order not to die more civilians.
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