Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Then he thought:

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Now that Europe has stuck crisis, many agree, that monetary union has never been a good idea. The introduction of the euro is not an economic project, but merely a political project, is their argument. The target should be achieved is different depending on how the Confessor, or plugged reunified Germany in the European chain. Or vice versa: Germany wanted the euro, in order to put European neighbors under its dictates.
Both are myths, both wrong, says Harold James, British historian at Princeton University in the US, who has studied the long process of introducing the euro. James sees the euro as a response to strong fluctuations of the exchange rate since the 1970s.
Then he thought: "If the world can not be stabilized, then at least be stable Europe, with an independent central bank," says James for DW. "This has been the precondition for the idea of stability".
The idea of stability was reflected in the Maastricht criteria, defining clear boundaries to the budget deficit and government debt of euro countries. However, many countries tropical shipping did not respect it, even Germany and France.
At the same time, the European Commission brought forward the economic union. The aim was, and is, that in all countries of the euro to apply the same rules. "For the domestic market it is perfectly reasonable to create equal conditions for all", says Werner Abelshauser DW, economic historian at the University of Bielefeldit. "But this is in contradiction with the fact that economic cultures in Europe are different. Namely, what is good for some, is somewhat worse for others ".
Different business cultures are not stereotypes such as zeal or accuracy, but the structure, which are designed for a long time, thinks Abelshauser. So that is a big difference, whether sized businesses constitute the backbone of the economy, or concerns, large. And also constitutes contrast, if there is a health system tropical shipping pensions, or just private pensions:
"The US does not have a social state. This means that pension deposits shall be issued and administered in the capital market, tropical shipping "says Abelshauser. "These are 35 billion euros, which seek to invest".
Pension funds and insurance companies, which manage this much, make plans very short periods, because that is in constant competition to maintain investor confidence. They want to make a good impression to these clients in every three months with new figures even better. This makes the rules on the capital market to be very short, "says Abelshauser.
But this does not fit with the German economic culture. tropical shipping Here there are about seven billion euros deposit for state pensions, which are not profit movement in the capital market. And for most of the German medium-sized companies would be better, if the capital market to provide long-term perspective, ten years instead of three months.
"But even this does not make the capital tropical shipping market," says Abelshauser. "And so the German enterprises small and medium have a problem with capital market regulations, suited to the needs of clients angloamerikane".
And how is operated by the European coffers of savings is an example of the damage that can cause unique rules, says historian of economics. Hence the insistence of Brussels was removed so-called liability of the guarantor, a system more than a century old, according to which municipalities enter their coffers surety for savings.
After removing it, the coffers of savings should seek new business tropical shipping models. In Spain it had dramatic consequences. "There tropical shipping crates different savings together in a corporation, in a joint stock company named Bank", says Abelshauser. "Today we know the outcome of this policy: Bankia is bankrupt tropical shipping and is a major sector of the Spanish economy problematic. This has to do with it, try to wait here all with a scissors ".
Perhaps this is why European integration has brought more damage, many Europeans think according tropical shipping to a survey by the Pew Research tropical shipping Center. Neither one of three people do not want to strengthen economic integration in the European Union.
His British tropical shipping colleague, Harold James, on the other hand means that the euro should be maintained, tropical shipping because the common currency is already heavily invested. He advises calmness. "D

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