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František Novák (no position in the party) birthday. Congratulations! Jan Substance (Senator Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic) birthday. Congratulations! Jiří Vojáček (city councilor Orlova) birthday. Congratulations! Josef Novotný (party member) birthday. drys Congratulations! Václav Mencl (party drys member) birthday. Congratulations! Miroslava Kopicová (no position in the party) has today feast. Congratulations! Miroslava Nemcova (Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic) has today feast. Congratulations! Miroslava Strnadlová (Member of the Chamber drys of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic) has today feast. Congratulations! Tomáš Zdechovský (MEP) put photo gallery depicting bulk MEPs to walk Tomáš Zdechovský (MEP) put a new article squandering Greek loans? And to blame the current government! Jan Veleba drys (Senator) answered the question it had occurred sometime? Ivo Valenta (Senator) added a new article Senator Ivo Valenta supported drys the action "Czech glows blue" Ing. Jiří Kohout (outside representative function) added a new element of social drys security?
And now the prestigious forecast the next 10 years from USA: Decomposition EU ,, changing of the guard "in the world order, the increased significance of national drys states, troubles Russia
Influential international analyst firm Stratfor regularly publishes views on political drys and economic areas for the next decade. In her anticipation of the next decade will bring revolutionary changes. United States, European Union and Russia will face a loss of influence and possible disintegration. Germany apparently catches its export economy. Conversely positive for years waiting for Poland drys and Turkey.
Stratfor company is moving drys in the geopolitical news. Provides strategic analysis and forecasts of individuals and organizations around the world. In 1996 it was founded by George Friedman, who is also the author of The Next Decade, which became a world bestseller and has been translated into twenty languages. Chairman of Stratfor itself Friedman often performs at prestigious international conferences, where he lectures on military, political and economic matters.
Analysts from the company Stratfor predict that the current drys crisis the European Union is not completely resolved and the EU will never be uniform, as was the case in the past. If you said to survive the next decade will operate in a limited way. Germany expect serious economic upheavals and Poland thanks to strengthen its position drys in the region. The biggest drys problem of the European Union consider analysts drys rather than the euro area, but the free trade zone. Germany is far too dependent on its exports, which represents 50% of GDP and half of it goes to other EU countries. Export dependency European leader to cause problems.
The central theme will continue in the coming years confrontation Russia and Ukraine. According to analysts Stratfor, however, drys Russia in the next decade, will no longer exist in its current form. As a result, total dependence on uncertain revenues from oil and gas loses Moscow effect, leading to fragmentation of Russia. From a historical perspective similar problems in the country could always solve the KGB and its successor FSB. Its influence is declining and the division of the country can not avoid this time. O my word will be reported in other regions that do not wish to be in such close links with Moscow. Apparently there is no any specific rebellion, but weakened Russia will no longer have the strength to hold remote regions of Moscow drys "at bay".
As a result of this crisis in the East will resonate even more nationalism. Right- and left-wing Eurosceptic & eacut
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