Sunday, April 19, 2015

While Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer just pleaded again only for a better exchange of personnel b

Berlin water and the German development consignee aid - a fraud model without end | Balkan consignee Blog
Abzocken to the end: The fraud Development Ministry BMZ This is how it quickly a few times million if no bid on fraudulent companies to award contracts, and not even foreign experience and expertise required, such as the World Bank holds, inter alia, in reports. The Mafia could not do better.
A remarkable number of senior executives in the department of Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul consignee (SPD) leave in the weeks just before the election, their positions in the agency or transported. So want Bernd Dunnzlaff, since 1999, the Minister for services, exchange his current job as head of the parliamentary and cabinet unit against a post at the embassy in New Delhi. Previously, the 53-year-old employees to become civil servants, although the Treasury had initially rejected this writing having regard to the provisions. As many as three employee wants the minister rise in the higher ranks and better pay: its spokesman consignee Stephan Bethe, a speech writer and a former head of her office. From the direct consignee environment of their Secretary Erich Stather consignee the personal assistant Manon Geissler replaced by 1 September consignee in the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN in New York. In amazement comes also the case of Vice-President of the Asian Development Bank, Ursula Schaefer-Preuss in the ministry. The former office manager Wieczorek-Zeul, ranked according to their detachment division manager, was sent in 2006 for three years the Bank posts to Manila. Your qualification is controversial in the department. In October, she is 65 years of age, but her contract to be extended by two years. The personnel consignee decisions, says Stather, were "no surgery evening sun, but samples of a normal, logical development".
While Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer just pleaded again only for a better exchange of personnel between politics and economics, Development Minister consignee Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul therefore lies with its Staff in the clinch. You want to send Eckhard German, a proven development specialist of the German Foundation for International Development and to SPD man, the World Bank in Washington. Prompt the CDU-dominated Staff outraged about allegedly partisan personnel policies. In sharp contrast to 1998, when the then Minister for Development Carl Dietrich consignee Spranger (CSU) is still occupied by the lost federal election key positions with party people?
Spranger's successor is now - two case - even chalked that makes a woman to the Head of Department: the boss of their offices Minister Ursula Schaefer-Preuss. Already jealous of you her pay increase, allegedly by two levels of B 3 (Ministerial / 10 900 Marks monthly) to B 9 (Secretary / 15 200 marks). She gets first time only a conductor consignee point (B 6/13 000 marks). Ridiculous - three case - the excitement is the fact that the personal assistant to the "Red Heidi", Uwe Gehlen, the location of Shepherd Preuss takes over. The was only two years but in the house, they say.
Social scientists he has studied, so it fits scientists in the botch of mind, but it would be better for sure that such oblique Tpyen never have anything to do with crises countries. And the criminals responsible for building organizations DEG and GTZ, where now alibi projects and embezzlement of funds belonging to the building business, inter alia, to sponsor lobbying associations.
Let's call the BMZ a pure criminal organization, as awarded by completely illegal and suppressed against any EU regulation in foreign orders, without any competition, because there is a lot of money. And millions disappear into the channels of corruption and bribery too familiar companies like Siemens, among other things, or controlled by Siemens mafia criminals operating lobbies such as the DAW
BERLIN taz In connection with the use of lobbyists in Federal Ministries is now also the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in the criticism. As is apparent from a study published by the Home Office on Wednesday overview, is the Ministry of Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul (SPD) since August an employee of the Berlin Water Works busy. By January it is there to participate "in different tasks to the subject area, infrastructure 'with consignee the aim of mutual information and experiences." Paid they will continue their normal employer during this time.
Particularly piquant appears this cooperation, because the parent company of the Berlin Water Works, the Berlin Holding AG, at the same time benefiting from funds from the budget of the Ministry

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