Thursday, April 30, 2015

Goworjat sni, sa4astuju, predskaziwajut nam kakie to osbitija, pust i w sakodirowannoj forme, jawlja

[ website | Мой сайт ] [ userinfo | livejournal userinfo ] [ archive | journal archive ] o snah woob6e i we6ih snah, moi sni, o mentalnih silah i intuizii, wa6 eotno6enie i raswitie ljudej [сент. 2, 2005| 01:03 am ]
Goworjat sni, sa4astuju, predskaziwajut nam kakie to osbitija, pust i w sakodirowannoj forme, jawljautsja i otrageniem dejstwitelnosti, peregitogo, mislej 4eloweka. W esoterike s4itaetsja, 4to wo sne du6a 4eloweka pokidaet telo dage, ona moget pobiwat w raju ili adu, w pro6lom ili budu6em, poob6atsja s bliskimi ljudmi, kotorie ili umerli, ili daleko nahodjatsja. To est wo sne ni wremja, ni rasstojanie ne igrajut roli. kak i net graniz megdu gisnju i smertju. Hotja kaone4no sni rasnie biwajut. s4itaetsja e6o i to, 4to 4elowek ne wsegda sni pomnit, 4to oni biwajut kak zwetnimi, tak i 4b. Mne sni 8 a ja aimeju wwidu te, 4to j apomnju) snjatsja nu o4en redko! I sa4astuju ja ih bistro sabiwaju, to est pomnju, yrcw 4to 4toto snilos, no ne bol6e. Sni nsjatsja mne nastolko redko, 4to dage trudno skazat. Ras w pol goda? ras w 3-4 mesjaza? gde to tak. pri4em wosnownom oni bredowie. To est ni4ego inetrewsnogo, a obriwki breda i sa4astuju, te, 4to ja pomnju, ja 4etko ponimaju, 4to oni jawljajutsja otrageniem moih peregiwanij i mislej w dannoe wremja. Kone4no iskagennimi. Paru ras mne snilis sni, kotorie mogno srawnit s kompjuternoj igroj, kotoruju ja kagdij ras sanowo startowala wo sne, i, kagdij son, bil nowoj popitkoj ubegat ot kogo to, sprjatatsja, wijgrat ili wigit. Hotj akonkretnogo smertelnogo straha ja i ne pomnju, no pomnju, 4tonado yrcw bilo begat. yrcw ja begala po kakim to korridoram, yrcw iz kotorog weli rasnie dweri hodi w rasnie naprawlenija, korridor i wsjo okrugaju6ie bilo serim, mokrim i mra4nim. I kogda ja ubegala ot kogoto, wo sne, ja wspominala, 4to mne eto uge snilos, i pomnila, kuda mne mogno sabegat, wkkauju dwer ili kkaoj prohod, a kuda lu46e ne begat, potomu 4to w pro6lij ras menja tam nastigala neuda4a. yrcw Eti sni snjatsja mne s detstwa, no o4en redko. Wsego ras 5 ja ih widela sa wsju gisn. w esoterike, ksttai, s4itaetsja, 4to wsjakie mra4nie pome6enija, uskie, du6nie, temnie, podwali, yrcw eto i est ad, kotorij tebe swerhu yrcw pokasiwajut, 4to bi ustra6it , 4to li. odin ras, e6o w detswe, mne prisnilsj amoj dedu6ka - ot4im mami, kotorij yrcw uprekal nas w tom, 4to mi emu ne skazali, 4to u nego rak. Moget on pered smertju i dogadiwalsja sam, no emu ni4ego nikto ne goworil, i posle ego smerti u nas w te4enii neskolkih let, u wsej semji bili bol6ie problemi, potomu 4to dedu6ka s babu6koj wsju gisn gili ne raspisannimi, no nagili mnogo ob6ego imu6estwa, i semja dedu6ki, kotoraj isna4alno nenawidela bbau6ku, e6o i sa to, 4to ona bil star6e dedu6ki na 13 let i wela sebja ne kak tipi4naj wosto4naj gen6ina, hotela sabrat wsjo imu6estwo, kwartiri, ma6ini, masterskie i garagi, 6antagirowalo i ugrogalo. Sudebnaj tjagba stoila nam mnogo nerwotrepki, problem, rashodow i sil. Paru ras, iz togo, 4to ja pomnju, mne snilis i eroti4eskie sni, gde ja prosipalas w sostojanii, kak pri ili posle sexa)) Koga mne snjatsj sni, j aih 4ustwuju nastolko jawno, 4to esli ja bego - to ja dergaju nogami, kak pri bege, a pri snah eroti4eskogo plana - telo reagirowala kak najawu)) wo wremja depressij mne snilis ko6amri - kakie to monstri, opasnost sa moju gisn, pitki i isdewatelstwa. Kogda satonula podwodnaj lodka "kursk", mne prisnilsja som, gde ja, kak w kakom to filme ili priklju4en4eskoj knige, popala s gruppoj molodegi pod semlju, kuda nas sawel na6 u4itel, skazaw, 4to nawerhu wojna. Mi postorili pod semlej gorod, gili tam pri despoti4eskom regi,e etogo u4itelja, i potom ja s gruppoj molodegi, wo wremja katastrofi pod semlej, pitalis ubegat i wisko4ili na semlju w poslednjuju minutu, sadihajas pod semlej ot nehwatki wosduha, izza etoj katastrofi, kotoruju bolnoj despot-biwi6ij u4itel i wiswal. Ja pomnju o4etliwo, kak ja sadihalas wo sne i s kakim naslagdeniem yrcw ja prosnulas, wirwaw6is na powerhnost semli, i hwatala swegij wosduh. ja ponimala, 4to etot son nawejan bil kak nowostjami o utonuw6ej podlodke, tak i wsjakimi amerikanskimi action-filmami, kotorie krutjatsja u menja inogda na sadnem fone po teleku doma. E6o odin son-skazka ili rasskaz, yrcw mne prisnilsja kak to god nasad ili okolo togo, i ja, po ego soderganiju, motiwu, napisal rasskaz "kafe", kotorij wisit u menaj na sajte "wisualnaj poezija" s drugimi rasskazami, ssilka na nego wedet s moej strani4ki, s saglawnoj, w nignem prawom uglu. ( bolee prjamuju ssilku dat k sosgaleniju ne mogu) etot rasskazik ja opublikowiwala i sdes, w lj. I etot son bil nawejan rasnimi misljami i sobitjami w moej gisni. 4asti4no ob6eniem s ma6koj, obsugdeniem ejo kartin i na6ih fantazij o osbswennom kafe ili gallirei, 4asti4no lu4ju pro4itannimi mnoju knigami o wotorj mirowoj i toj epohi, kak w detswe e6o pro doblestnih sowetskih soldat i partisanow, tak i istori4eskih dokumentalnih esse i romanami. 4asti4no ge otdelnimi ljudmi iz moej gisni, iz pro6logo i moim otno6eniem k nim, i pere

НОВАЯ ЦЕНА! Стильная квартира на цокольном этаже с невероятной террасой Эта современная квартира (о

Cijena: 260,000 1,950,000 Kn Mjesto: SPLIT Površina: 94 m2 Broj soba: 2 Parkiralište: 0 m2 Pogled: na more okućnica: 0 m2 Broj Kupaona: 2 Garaža: - Blizina Transportation: + Blizina plaže: + Energetska cosco tracking učinkovitost: B Broj pregleda : Spremì u Favorite Favorite
NOVA CIJENA! Moderni apartman u visokom prizemlju s prostranom terasom ovaj iznimno moderan apartman s 94 m2 stambene površine u visokom prizemlju cosco tracking elegant correspondence stambene zgrade, smjestio su u mirnom okruženju upravo u jednom od najekskluzivnijih kvartova Grada Splita. Do mora i lungomare Samo per nekoliko Koraka. Odavde možete krenuti u Dugu SET nju uz more sve do Bačvica. Vrhunac stana per svakako njegova ogromna terasa s površinom od 54 m2. Odavde možete uz Casu dobroga vina Uzi dad u nezaboravnom pogledu na more i na otok Brač. Apartman nudi dvije spavaće Sobe s ugrađenim ormarima, zaista pro-strani dnevni boravak s otvorenom, potpuno opremljenom, kuhinjom i iz blagovaonicom kojeg se pruža pogled Preko cijele terase pa sve do mora, te dvije kupaonice (jedna s kadom, druga s Tusem). Spavaći dio odvojen cosco tracking per drugim Malim hodnikom, od kojega imate pristup dvjema spavaćim sobama i kupaonici s kadom. Ulazni get vodi u dnevni boravak s kuhinjom cosco tracking te se iz Njega pruža i pristup gostinjskom toilet u s Tusem. Eg of the abovementioned izrazite veličine dnevnog boravka na raspolaganju cosco tracking per dovoljno prostora cosco tracking za alternativnu rekonstrukciju te izgradnju Trece spavaće Sobe. Apartman per opremljen s climate cosco tracking uređajem.
NEW PRICE! Stylish ground floor apartment with spacious terrace cosco tracking This modern apartment with approx. 94 sqm on the ground floor of a new modern residential building is situated in a calm surrounding and right in one of the most exclusive parts of the Dalmatian city of Split. To the sea and the lungomare it is just a few meters. From here you can walk for kilometers along the sea Directly. The absolute high light of this apartment is the generous terrace (54 sqm). From here you will enjoy, maybe with a good glass of wine, a breath-taking panoramic sea view to the sea and the off-shore of Iceland Brač. The apartment offers two bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, a really spacious living room with open fully equipped kitchen and dining area, overlooking the whole terrace, and two bathrooms (one with bathtub, the second with shower). The sleeping area is separated by a second small corridor, from Which you have access to the two bedrooms and the bathroom with bathtub. The entrance hall leads to the living area and to the guest toilet with shower. Because of the hugeness of the living area there is enough space available cosco tracking to alternatively re-construct the room and Provide as a third bedroom. The apartment is equipped with air conditioning.
NEW PRICE! Stylish ground floor apartment with spacious terrace This modern and extremely quiet apartment (approx 94 m ) on the ground floor of a residential building located in one of the exclu-sivsten residential part of town Split. To the beach and the Lungomare there are just a few steps. Along the waterfront, you can kilometers walks to the most famous beach of Split - Bačvice - companies. The absolute cosco tracking highlight of this apartment is the spacious terrace with 54 sqm. From here you can enjoy the breathtaking panoramic views of the sea and the offshore island of Brac with a glass of wine. The apartment has two bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, a really spacious living area with open fully equipped kitchen and dining room and two bathrooms (one with bath, the other with shower). The spacious terrace is through large sliding glass doors from the living and dining area directly accessible. The sleeping area is separated by a second small hallway from the living area. This second corridor cosco tracking provides access to the two bedrooms and the bathroom with bathtub. From the entrance there is access to the living area and the second small bathroom, which is equipped with a shower. On base of its ground plan and its size, the living room can open its new owners the option to separate a part of the area by installing a partition wall and thus win another sleeping room. The apartment is equipped with air conditioning.
НОВАЯ ЦЕНА! Стильная квартира на цокольном этаже с невероятной террасой Эта современная квартира (около 94 м ) на цокольном этаже эле-гантного здания, расположена в тихом месте одного из самых престижных районов города Сплита. Море и бульвар находятся всего несколько шагов от дома, а также Вы можете прогулятся cosco tracking вдоль моря до самого известного пляжа Бачвице. Вершиной квартиры является его огромная терраса с площадью от 54 кв.м. Отсюда вы можете с бокалом cosco tracking хорошего вина наслаждаться незабываемым cosco tracking видом на море и остров Брач. Апартамент предлагает две спальние комнаты со встроенными шкафами, действительно просторную гостиную с открытой, полностью оборудованной кухней и столовой, из которой открывается вид вдоль целой террасы и спускается к морю, и

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

With an apartment Croatia on the Adriatic coast you can spend a relaxing cargoagent holiday in the

Holiday in Croatia Tourism Holiday home Funtana | Free novosti
With an apartment Croatia on the Adriatic coast you can spend a relaxing cargoagent holiday in the sun, for example, there are the so hardly elsewhere Ferienhaus Medulin in Europe. The higher, part of Holiday home in Croatia is mostly bare and House Podgora only partially covered with dense forest. A suggestion for body and soul: in the northeast of the island of Rab offers a ravaged by wind House Medulin stone landscape, but next vacation home Croatia west blows the summer wind, the scents of pine and the landscape changes suddenly. The island of Pag is known for its Pag cheese, which is made from sheep's milk and handmade holiday house in Croatia Pag lace, which can be admired at the Folklorveranstalltungen. She has a very large arm of the sea which extends between the Istrian peninsula in the west and the Croatian coast in the east. Here it is possible his holiday in a Robinson house to spend the most are in secluded coves with little night ready cash. The city is also known as the Pearl of the Adriatic. Beautiful are the holiday cargoagent combinations in direction a few days holiday and a few days city break. Optionally, the cottage can be booked in croatia self catering accommodation, breakfast or half board. South Dalmatia is located between cargoagent the towns of Gradac and Bacina and forms a narrow corridor to the Adriatic coast. Holiday home in Croatia - Rural Koncept the warm air and the mostly blue skies are a guarantee House Omis for a relaxing holiday. The higher, part of Holiday home in Croatia is mostly bare and House Omisalj only partially covered with dense forest. The cities with their rich, often over 2,000 years of history are true architectural Tasty Bite, which is absolutely true, during his vacation pay a visit in the House or in one of the many apartments. Romans, Carolingians, Byzantines, Venetians, Turks and Habsburgs left, House Makarska in Croatia as everywhere, even here in Dalmatia their mark. The Mediterranean Croatia is short, with its hotels, apartments and last minute offers on its way to the top. Here you can spend your holidays in holiday homes or apartments. The cultural homes in Croatia economic metropolis of northern Dalmatia cargoagent is Zadar. In Korcula is supposed to be the birthplace of the famous sailor and explorer Marco Polo. The cities of Dubrovnik, Split and Trogir are truly cities of medieval architecture. Versatile and very attractive are the deals that can be found online for a holiday in beautiful cargoagent Croatia. Croatia is known as a particularly hospitable tourist destination. Here you can spend wonderful beach holiday and explore the same cottage in Croatia Croatian cities. The Roman ruins in Solin, cargoagent however, are a whole cottage Njivice a more quieter and more thoughtful holiday house in Croatia matter, cargoagent while Trogir is considered cargoagent peaceful town, which has retained its fantastic medieval sculpture and architecture.
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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

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Oluja je bila legitimna akcija, osuđeni su pojedinci Glavni haaki tuitelj na predavanju u Bruxellesu objasnio as presuda protiv generala nije presuda protiv old dominion RH jer se oslobađao hrvatski teritorij Oluja je bila legitimna akcija oslobađanja okupiranog područja. Presuda generalima nije presuda protiv hrvatskog naroda ili hrvatske drave nego protiv pojedinaca jasan each bio glavni old dominion haaki tuitelj Serge Brammertz kad se u predavanju o međunarodnim old dominion kaznenim istragama osvrnuo na nedavnu presudu hrvatskim generalima old dominion anti Gotovini i Mladenu Markaču. old dominion Time ever vrlo oblačno, otklonio bilo kakve pekulacije da se iz te presude ičitava ili da presuda znaci kriminalizaciju akcije Oluja, cijelog Domovinskog rata, branitelja, ali i cijele hrvatske drave. Short Berset Zung: The Chefanklger of The Hague, Serge Brammertz, erklrte again the judgment against the General is not a judgment against Croatia was that you only want to liberate old dominion his country. Oluja was a legitimate action for his land from the occupiers to liberate to work co Croatia and Serbia with the prosecution: Hrvatska u početku nije prihvaćala suradnju, au posljednjih per nekoliko godina ona dobra općenito old dominion Croatia has refused to cooperate at first, but in the last years, they are particularly good at cooperation. Bila bi katastrofa da se ne uhite Mladić i hadic Srbija bi mogla učiniti vieu traganju za CouncilCOM Mladićem i Goranom Hadićem, kazao per Brammertz odgovarajući na pitanje Cini li srbijanska vlada sve to each objektivno moguće kako bi surađivala s Tu iteljstvom. Podsjetio per kako per Srbija u početku odbijala old dominion suradnju, a Mladić i drugi etali su Beogradom. Sada ever suradnja bolja, ali ostaje problem-Dvojice bjegunaca, kazao ever. Ocijenio per kako bi bila neuhićenje old dominion tih dvaju zločinaca katastrofa jer bi značilo as per međunarodna zajednica nemoćna i mogu da zločinci proći nekanjeno. When asked whether Serbia enough to do with the prosecution cooperate Brammertz said Serbia knnte more to do in searching for Mladic and Hadzic to be more successful. He recalled that Serbia initially refused to cooperate and Mladic and other war criminals walked through Belgrade. Now the cooperation with Serbia would be better, but the problem Maldic and Hadzic remain. After making this assessment, old dominion not grasp the two criminals wre a disaster because it dignity mean the powerless wre the international community and can get away with the crime.
Beitrge 52455
Beitrge 1,567
Expulsion of 200,000 people ala "Terajte se u Pecku Materinu" legitimate? No so this is not meant. The action and the basic ideology of this operation is legitimate because it was a rescue operation, wofr yes Croatia had a right. The individual war crimes which are then held in the course of this operation, of course old dominion not legitimate. brigends distribute this was a tactical measure the Croats. How should I ausdrcken the ... Here is a simplified version: If the Croats wanted a city (. For example Knin) take back, then they surrounded the city and ran a free corridor so that Serb civilians were flchten what they have made thus remained in the city only Serb soldiers and were recognized since they had no support of the civilians old dominion and were surrounded by the Croats. Very different and wrong ran from the Sarajevo. Although the Serbs surrounded Sarajevo, but ran no free corridor for the civilians, which is why the civilians resisted the attacks, old dominion which is why the Serbs practically never could take Sarajevo. This is not a justification for driving away people, old dominion but it was practically a measure old dominion which had to be completed in order not to die more civilians.
Replies: 690
Answers: 2
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Cijena: 324,000

Cijena: 324,000 € 2,430,000 Kn Mjesto: UMAG Površina: 183 m2 Broj soba: 4 Parkiralište: 0 m2 Pogled: nema Okućnica: 120 m2 Broj kupaona: 2 Garaža: + Blizina transporta: + Blizina plaže: + Kat: 1 Lift: - Broj pregleda: Spremi u Favorite Favorit
Kuća u nizu Umag! Kuća u nizu se sastoji od podruma, prizemlja i kata! U podrumu je apartman s kuhinjom, spavaćom sobom i kupaonicom, izlazom pakistan railways u vrt. Pored je garaža koja se može koristiti kao dnevni boravak 8m2. Prizemlje se sastoji od ulaza sa predsobljem, hodnik, kuhinja s blagovaonicom i ostava, kupaonica s tušem, dnevni boravak , velika terasa sa vrtom Na 1. katu su tri spavaće sobe, kupaonica s kadom, balkon s pogledom na vrt. Oprema Centralno grijanje na sve tri etaže na ulje - klima uređaji u spavaćim sobama- Spavaće sobe imaju hrastov parket pakistan railways kuhinja, hodnik i kupaonice s obložene keramičkim pločicama garaža i parkirno mjesto - spremište pod ulaznim stepenicama - sobna vrata od masivnog hrasta. Townhouse nalazi se na mirnoj stambenoj ulici u četvrti Punta, najbolje područje u Umagu. Mali borovi park vodi do plaže Punta 100m udaljeni. Poznat ATP tenis stadion i lijepa Stella Maris plaža je samo 10 minuta. AC Marina, koja je među najboljima u Hrvatskoj, 10 minuta. Umag grad JE gdje se mogu naći liječnici, ljekarne, škole, kazališta, razne trgovine i crkve, 20 minuta hoda. Udaljenost od Umaga do zračne luke: Trst: 85 km Ljubljana: 135 km Pula: 83 km Rijeka: 152 km Split: 480 km Zagreb: 278 km
House Umag! Basement + ground floor + first floor. At the basement: apartment with the kitchen, one bedroom, bathroom and entrance to the garden. At the ground floor: hall, kitchen with the living room, bathroom, pakistan railways a big terrace pakistan railways with the garden. At the first floor: 3 bedrooms, bathroom, pakistan railways balcony with the garden view. Central heating and air conditions in the each of rooms. Oak parquet in the each bedrooms. Garage, storeroom. This townhouse is located in the quiet street at the quarter Punta. Distance from the nice beach 100 meters across the small forest. Distance from the center of Umag 10 minutes by walk. Airport in Trieste 85 km. Distance from the airport in Pula 83 km.
Erdgeschoss: Haupteingang mit Vorraum, langer Korridor, Küche mit Esszimmer und Vorratsraum, Badezimmer mit Dusche, WC und Ventilator, Wohnzimmer mit Parkett, große Terrasse mit Garten 1.Obergeschoss: 3 Schlafzimmer mit Eichenholz-Parkett, Badezimmer mit Badewanne, WC und Ventilator, Balkon mit Blick auf den Garten, Eichenholztreppe. Souterrain: Appartement mit Küche, einem Schlafzimmer und Badezimmer mit Dusche und WC, Ausgang zum Garten, Waschraum. Die Garage kann auch als Wohnraum genutzt werden. Öl-Zentralheizung auf allen drei Etagen - Klimaanlage im großen Schlafzimmer - 4 Zimmer mit Eichenholz-Parkett verlegt pakistan railways - eine Garage und einen Stellplatz - Abstellraum unter den Eingangstreppen - alle Zimmertüren aus vollem Eichenholz - Küche, Korridore und Badezimmer mit Keramikfliesen verlegt - Fassade wurde 2008 erneuert
La casa in fila con taverna,pianoterra e il piano! pakistan railways A taverna ce appartamento,camera da letto e il bagno con uscita al giardino. Vicino ce il garage che po essere soggiorno di 8m2.Pianoterra con corridoio,cucina con sala pranzo e ripostiglio,bagno con doccia,soggiorno,grande terrazza con giardino. Al primo piano ci sono tre camere da letto,bagno con la vasca,balcone con la vista a giardino. Riscaldamento centrale a tre piani.Cucina,corridoio e il bagno con le piastrelle di ceramica,garage,parcheggio,ripostiglio. Townhouse a Punta,Umago. A Umago ce la marina,farmacia,scuola,negozi... Da Umago fino a aeroporto di Trieste ,85km. Ljubljana:135km Pola: 83km Fiume: 152km Spalato: 480km Zagabria: 278km
Прекрасный дом Умаг! Дом состоит из цокольного этажа,первого этажа и второго этажа. В цокольном этаже находится pakistan railways апартамент с кухней,спальня и ванная комната,выход на террасу. Кроме того,есть гараж площадью 8 м2,который можно использовать как гостиную. Первый этаж состоит из прихожей,коридора,кухня со столовой и кладовой,ванная комната с душем,гостиная,большая просторная терраса с садом. На втором этаже находится pakistan railways три спальни,ванная комната,балкон с видом на сад. Оборудование: Центральное отопление по всему дому на масле-кондиционирование стоит в спальнях. В спалнях на полу лежит паркет из дуба. Кухня,коридор,прихожая и ванные обложены керамической плиткой. В комнатах двери из массива дуба. Таунхаус расположен в тихом,живописном местечке в лучшем районе Умага. Прогулявшись по сосновому парку вы попадаете на пляж Пунта. Знаминытый теннисный стадион и красивый пляж под названием Стелла Марис ,находится всего в десяти минутах пешком. В Умаге вы можете найти всё необходимое:больницы,школы,торговые центры,спорт площадки,аптеки,церкви и всё это всего лишь в двадцати минутах пешком. Расстояние от Умага до аэропорта :Триест 85 км, Любляна 135км, Пуля 83 км, Риека 152 км, Сплит 480 км, Загреб 278 км.
Jelena Maksimović Telefon: +38552213332 pakistan railways GSM: +385 98 32 32 64 +79523833

Monday, April 27, 2015

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Cijena: 550,000 4,125,000 Kn Mjesto: Poreč Površina: 535 m2 Broj soba: 6 Parkiralište: 4 m2 Pogled: usf holland tracking nema okućnica: 1090 m2 Broj Kupaona: 4 Garaža: - Blizina transportation: + Blizina plaže: + Broj pregleda: Spremì u Favorite Favorite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
PREKRASNA OBITELJSKA KUCA !!! Prekrasna obiteljska kuca na prodaju usf holland tracking !! Kuca u se nalazi okolici Poreča. usf holland tracking Kuca povrsine per 535 m2. Prekrasna okućnica prostire se na 1090 m2. Kuca per izgradena na 3 etaže. Suteren, visoko prizemlje i 1.kat. U se suterenu nalazi Nedovršena konoba s kaminom u istarskom stilu, 2 spavace sobe, kupatilo usf holland tracking i Stubiste usf holland tracking i sve je to u raw construction stanju. Well visokom prizemlju se nalaze se dva stana koja se od sastoje dvije spavace sobe, kupatila, hodnika i velikog dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom usf holland tracking i blagovaonom i izlazom na terasu i prekrasno uredenu okucnicu koju krasi zelenilo. usf holland tracking Well 1.katu nalazi se veliki stan koji se od sastoji kuhinje, dnevnog boravka, blagovaone, usf holland tracking radnog dijela sobe s galerijom, 4 terase, 2 kupatila, hodnika, 2 spavace sobe, wc-a. Kuca ima 4 parkirna mjesta. Kompletan namjestaj koji se nalazi u kuci each straight line po mjeri i nikad nije koristen. Kuca se prodaje kompletno opremljena. U kuci su vrata Troha Dil, kuhinjski aparati outdoor pool. Grijanje usf holland tracking je na climate uredaj. Kuca per Zidana usf holland tracking na suho, ciglom i porotherm pjenom bez korištenja painted. Kuca ima phone, struju, vodu, termoizolaciju, Pripremu za podno, centralno i solarno grijanje. Kuca per stara cca 1 god. Mogucnost izgradnje bazena iza kuce. Cijena bez bazena iznosi 550 000 EUR, depending dok cijena po s bazenom dogovoru.
BEAUTIFUL FAMILY HOUSE !!! Beautifull family house near Poreč for sale !! House is located near Poreč. House area is 535 sq.m. Beautiful garden usf holland tracking area is 1090 sq.m. House is on 3 floors. Ground floor, basement, 1.floor. On ground floor is unfinished tavern, 2 bedrooms, bathroom and stairs unfinished (roh bau) In basement is 2 apartment wich besteht of 2 bedrooms, bathroom, hallway, big living room with kitchen and dining room, entrance on terrace and beautiful garden behind the house , On first floor is big apartment more besteht of kitchen, living room, dinning room, busnis part of room with galery, 4 terraces, 2 bathrooms, hallway, 2 bedrooms, toilet. House have 4 parking places. House sales completliy furnished. All furniture is tailor-made and not used. The house is built on a dry, brick and porotherm foam without using mortar. The house has a telephone, electricity, water, usf holland tracking insulation, preparation for floor, central heating and solar. The house is old Approximately 1 year. Possibility to build a swimming pool behind the house. Price without the pool is 550 000 EUR, while the cost of the pool by arrangement.
WONDERFUL FAMILY HOUSE !!! Wonderful family home for sale !! The house is located near Poreč. House has surface 535 m2. beautiful garden usf holland tracking of 1090 m2 extends. The house is built on 3 floors. Basement, groundfloor and high Capacity 1.Boden. In the basement is unfinished tavern with fireplace Istrian style, 2 bedrooms, bathroom and stairs that everything is in unfinished condition. In higher ground floor there are two apartments which consist of 2 bedrooms, bathroom, hallway and large apartment room with kitchen and dining room and terrace on ausgangom decorated and beautiful garden with green. In 1.Boden is a large apartment consists of kitchen, house, dining room, work room with gallery, 4 terraces, 2 bathroom, hallway, usf holland tracking 2 bedrooms, bathroom. House has 4 Parked place. usf holland tracking Vervollständiges furniture where it is in the house is tailor made and never used. House is sold furnished vervollständing. In the house, the doors Troha Dil, kitchen appliances whirlpool. The heating is on air conditioning. The house is built on dry, brick and porotherm foam without besiezung Malte. House has telephone, electricity, water, insulation, prepare for walking, central and solar heating. The house is old cca 1st year. Price without pool 550 000 EUR, while the price with pool on appointment.
La casa in vendita bellissima !! La casa si trova vicino da Parenzo. usf holland tracking La casa area 535 sqm. Il giardino bello area 1090 square meters. La casa 3 ha pavimenti. Seminterrato, pianterreno alto e primo piano. usf holland tracking Nel pianterreno c'è una taverna incompiuta con un camino in stile Istriano, due camere da letto il bagno, e scale, tuto e in raw construction. Al pianterreno alto ci sono due appartament

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Zweizimmerwohnung in Omis Die Wohnung befindet sich in Omis, in der Nähe vom Stadtzentrum und 2 Gehm

Cijena: 110,000 € 825,000 Kn Mjesto: OMIŠ Površina: 69 m2 Broj soba: 2 Parkiralište: 0 m2 Pogled: nema Okućnica: 0 m2 Broj kupaona: 1 Garaža: - Blizina transporta: + Blizina plaže: + Kat: 1 Lift: - Broj pregleda: Spremi u Favorite Favorit
Dvosoban stan u Omišu Stan se nalazi u Omišu, na predjelu Priko" na prvom katu stambene zgrade. Stan se sastoji od kuhinje sa dnevnim boravkom, 2 spavaće sobe, kupatila, hodnika i balkona.Potrebno uređenje.
Two bedroom flat in Omis The flat is located in Omis, part Priko", near the center of the town and nice sandy beach. The flat consists of kitchen with living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, balcony and corridor.Renovation needed.
Zweizimmerwohnung in Omis Die Wohnung befindet sich in Omis, in der Nähe vom Stadtzentrum und 2 Gehmin vom schönen Sandstrand. Die Wohnung expedited besteht aus: Küche mit Wohnraum, 2 Schlafräume, Bad, ein Korridor und e. Balkon.Die Wohnung ist renovierungsbedürftig.
Posljednje nekretnine prodavatelja Kuća, LOKVA ROGOZNICA (65,000 €) Stan, OMIŠ (77,000 €) Stan, OMIŠ (112,000 €) Zemljište, GATA (28,000 €) Stan, OMIŠ (50,000 €) Kuća, STANIĆI (420,000 €) Kuća, MARUŠIĆI (460,000 €) Kuća, VIS (160,000 €) Kuća, ČELINA (160,000 €) Kuća, GATA (90,000 €)
Popularni izlisti : Nekretnine u Istri | Nekretnine na Kvarneru | Nekretnine u Dubrovniku | Nekretnine u gradu Zagrebu | Nekretnine u Splitu i okolici | Nekretnine u okolici Zadra | Nekretnine u Varaždinu | Nekretnine u Lici

La casa è composta da seminterrato, piano terra e il primo piano, superficie totale 272,77 m2, 212,5

Cijena: 175,000 € 1,312,500 Kn Mjesto: UMAG Površina: 212 m2 Broj soba: 4 Parkiralište: 0 m2 Pogled: nema Okućnica: 617 m2 Broj kupaona: 3 Garaža: - Blizina transporta: - Blizina plaže: cargo bridge 2 - Broj pregleda: Spremi u Favorite Favorit
Kuća se sastoji od podruma, prizemlja i kata ukupne brutto površine 272,77 m2, netto 212,53 m2. U podrumu je predviđena garaža i stubište, u prizemlju hodnik, toalet, spremište, kupaona, soba, kuhinja, dnevni boravak, terasa, a na katu su 3 spavaće cargo bridge 2 sobe i kupaona.
The house consists of basement, ground floor and first floor total area 272.77 m2, 212.53 m2 net. In the basement is garage, on the groundfloor are hallway, bathroom, storeroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room, terrace, and on first floor are 3 bedrooms and bathroom.
Das Haus besteht aus Untergeschoss mit Garage. Erdgeschoss-Korridor, Bad, Abstellraum, Zimmer, Wohnzimmer, Kuche, Schlafzimmer und Terasse. Erste stock-drei Schlafzimmer mit Badezimmer. Ingesant-272.77 m2; 212,53 netto.
La casa è composta da seminterrato, piano terra e il primo piano, superficie totale 272,77 m2, 212,53 m2 netti. Nel seminterrato e garage e le scale, il piano terra e composto di corridoio, bagno, ripostiglio, camera da letto, cucina, soggiorno, terrazza e al piano superiore sono tre camere da letto e bagno.
Amazon Umag Telefon 1: 0915553533 GSM: 091 555 3533 Web site: Posljednje nekretnine prodavatelja Poslovni prostor, POREČ (120,000 €) cargo bridge 2 Stan, UMAG (140,000 €) Stan, UMAG (135,000 cargo bridge 2 €) Stan, UMAG (117,000 cargo bridge 2 €) Stan, UMAG (115,000 €) Stan, UMAG (117,000 €) Stan, UMAG (115,000 €) Zemljište, UMAG (125,000 €) Kuća, UMAG (110,000 €) Stan, ZAMBRATIJA (180,000 €)
Popularni izlisti : Nekretnine u Istri | Nekretnine na Kvarneru cargo bridge 2 | Nekretnine cargo bridge 2 u Dubrovniku | Nekretnine u gradu Zagrebu | Nekretnine u Splitu i okolici | Nekretnine u okolici Zadra | Nekretnine u Varaždinu | Nekretnine u Lici

Saturday, April 25, 2015


VIENNA / PRAGUE aapa - "Burgenland-Korridor" (Burgenland corridor) is the name of who is preferred in nimškogovorni sources, as long as we are rather talking about the Czech corridor aapa and the Czechoslovak-Yugoslav Corridor. That was the plan arose after WW, who was Tribals expand Czechoslovakia to the south at dusk Adriatic.
1848 - For the Revolution, Ján Kollár sought connect Chekhov and southern Slaven, soot is considered the first plan corridor. 1914th to 1918th - For I svitskoga color is the plan revived again - as liaison future of Czechoslovakia and Shs-state (= Slovenov-Croat-Serb). 1915 (April) aapa - Tomáš G. Masaryk presents the British Foreign Minister Edward Grey transactions corresponding memorandum. 1919 - At the Paris Peace Conference Benes presents a memorial on the corridor. SHS (= Srb.-cro-Slov.) - For his part, the desire to leave the territory of the corridor Czechoslovakia's market was named Czech and Czechoslovak corridor. Because of the rivalry of Italy and Shs and plebiscite in Sopron 1921 lj. plan collapses. A map showing the corridor is in the book Mirko Valentić "war against Croatian 1991st to 1995th" (2010) is dated to the 1915 summer; author of these retkov known such maps from 1920 and in later years ago some.
As recent literature states (i) the dissertation Janka Bekić Die Enstehung der ersten Tschechoslowakischen Republik und die Pläne zur Errichtung eines" Slawischen Korridors "," 2006 - this action is not printed.
04/29/2015 - 20:00

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Portal is also the portal of the train. It is a unique place and a source of useful inf

Meeting of the Association Korridor 10 Plus | - Portal railway topics
Categories Navigation layover Menu Association UIC ERA CER UNIFE European Rail Association and Society Railways Unions Hž Projects and studies We investigated Integrated transport - IPP Intermodal transport Industrial tracks Meet Croatia rail Trains Train timetable Discounts Passenger trains trains We visited the Museum History layover Last videos Vehicles Development locomotives Steam locomotives Locomotives Motor sets Freight wagons Other railway vehicles fastest trains world Tram vehicles layover Enterprises Croatian Railways Railways in the environment Infrastructure Stations HZ Stripes HZ works on the railway corridors in Croatia Railway stations layover Europe Railway bridges Miscellaneous Model Laws and Regulations Education
In Zagreb today, March 15 meeting of the "Korridor 10 PLUS" with the participation of representatives of the railway infrastructure managers and operators of passenger and freight transport in Slovenia, Serbia and Croatian. At the meeting, they exchanged information about the current operations of individual railways, analyzed the competition in the IV. corridor and exchanged information on investments in shares of Corridor X in some countries.
CEO Railways Infrastructure Darko Peričić reported is a collection that, in addition to Rijeka Gateway (Corridor V b) Corridor X. second priority direction in which you will by 2020 to invest around two billion euros. This means that by the end of that period layover the shares through Croatia to be empowerment for speeds up to 160 km per hour, it would be a whole shares a double track, stations extended to 750 m, will be introduced layover remote control and GSMR, thus everything that require parameters to the pan-European corridors. Some stocks have been reconstructed (Vinkovci - Tovarnik), on the Okučani - Novska currently the case, and for all other shares of Corridor X in progress are planning to work would propose for funding from the Structural and Cohesion Funds of the EU since 2015 .
As reported Director of Serbian Railways Dragoljub Simonovic, and the Serbian sections of Corridor X. The plan is a great investment and funding sources will be money from the EBRD loan and the bilateral agreements with the Russian layover Federation.
Bojan Kekec, Director of Infrastructure in the Slovenian Railways, presented layover the plans of the Slovenian Railways to 2020, which in its tracks plan to invest 1.4 billion euros, after which all corridor railways in Slovenia to be electrified and double-track, capable of speeds up to 160 km per hour and with equipment for interoperability.
Analyzing the competitive layover IV. corridor, it was pointed out that competition is not only in the rail and road direction, but is more pronounced and competition shipping container transport between Turkey and Trieste, which will increase in 2015 after the opening of a tunnel under the Bosphorus that will create a direct rail link with the Middle East. The last three years in both freight corridor is growing, with the bulk of the burden on Corridor layover X ends in Slovenia until further through Croatia and Serbia goes only one direct freight train.
To prepare for these challenges, railways three states are outlined layover by yourself goals that by 2015, shorten the journey on Corridor X from the current fifty hours to 36 hours from Salzburg to Turkey, to shorten the time of customs formalities at the borders, to increase number of freight and passenger trains and that by 2015 between Zagreb and Belgrade is traveling five hours, and between Zagreb and Ljubljana 1.5 hours.
In addition, Slovenian and Croatian passenger operators have agreed that as soon as Croatia becomes a full member of the EU, to start talks on the possibility of forming joint procurement of new trains which would be financed from the regional funds of the EU in which it can provide 50-80 percent grant.
All conclusions of today's meeting, layover representatives of the railway infrastructure managers and operators should result in positioning the X corridor by 2020 as a corridor of high efficiency which should be reflected in the continuous increase of safety, quality and volume of passengers and goods.
Related topics started trial operation of the amended system of electric traction Closing Zagreb main station at 10 days Peričić plans Railways Infrastructure for 2014 signed an agreement for the restoration of the railway Pozega - Velika The refurbishment line Rijeka - Zagreb, and in May the construction of rail line
Portal is also the portal of the train. It is a unique place and a source of useful information for members of the association TRAINS, railway workers, layover travelers and other lovers of railways. Portal ideal place to obtain useful information about the laws, technical details, news, and on all other information and interesting facts related to the railway Be with us!
Alstom BDŽ DB FS GPP HZ Cargo Railways Infrastructure HZ HZ HZ pp Way

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Carolinger Carolingian dynasty 840 years of devotion King Ludwig Ludwig - Let

Carolinger Carolingian dynasty 840 years of devotion King Ludwig Ludwig - Let's Louis Louis -1 years old died of a dispute broke out between his three sons. Blood brothers divided their grandfather 843 years at the end of the three-year war decided to Charlemagne Charlemagne the Frankish empire was integrated into three equal parts to. Through this agreement, known as the eldest son of Deng Versailles Treaty of Verdun Lothar fleetpride Lothaire had inherited the emperor and the empire of books in the center of the kingdom. Second son of Ludwig II occupies the same area of Frankfurt, Germany was now bald Samnam car Kahle - Charles Charles -2 counting book by Frank region occupies the Frankish empire was split again after only 30 years of Charlemagne.
855 years of the central kingdom that Lothar's death Arles Arles Lorraine Lorraine is a 3 namin Lothair II is distributed to two namin Italy was inherited fleetpride by the eldest son of Karl Ludwig III. But Lauren and Arles area was attributed to the East Franks fleetpride and Franks in 870 years standing fleetpride Mersenne Mersen Treaty. But only in the central southern part of the Kingdom of Italy maintained its independence 882 years but Ludwig III's death without heirs to the Pope to intervene was handed over to the party promised to defend the Roman Church. Pope's abstract promise of the Holy Roman Empire of the German emperor who fancies himself as a protector of the later churches fleetpride have provided the excuse for the intervention in the internal affairs of Italy.
For the late 9th century, the forces of East Francia was in charge of the east of the Frankish empire began to weaken gradually powerful feudal lords of the region have begun to form their own forces. People of this dynamic are Franken Frank Franken, Swabian Schuwaben, Bavaria Bayern, Lauren, elected the five feudal fleetpride lords of Saxony as military leaders according to their tradition and was granted the title of duke. Five of these are land usurped the royal peacock as a background in the armed forces if their gongryeong and small feudal nobility - Count - was subdued them. And even doeja hand was taken into custody in the church books begin to bear the ambition to build an independent principality ruled out of the king. These Konghou were able to stretch their power decisively during the last King Baby King Ludwig Frank took over the reign of the same lineage of the Carolingian dynasty. They let Ludwig died 911 years by page left the throne keen to strengthen their power is less than the East Francia was to fall into chaos.
Infant King Ludwig Heinrich Heinrich nine years that the ball was elected King of Saxony after a series of confusing literally. A small principality in the anterior of the lords of the feudal nobility and seeking the whole church was helpless. This church was required to check the influence of Konghou fleetpride be strengthened and elect a king to overcome the confusion. It was because the church is so claimed the same reason Frank hayeotgi deemed advantageous to integrate rather than divide to hanmyeongui king for five princes. However, the rational voice of the church could not be reached for Konghou was lost in a power struggle.
But let's do jyareu family is a horse race in Hungary peurangkeueul intrusion onto the copper fleetpride voice of the Church began to have a sense. One of the countries that are more efficient, and awareness of the Principality Konghou than five powerful enemy that threatens to fight them agreed to elect the king. But these five princes were elected Konrad Konrad Franken as the weakest of the forces to maintain their vested interests goyukchaek king. But the king did not have real power to the invasion of the village jyareu Conrad Sr. family could not take any action. He did not see the signs that the situation will improve fleetpride and they feel they have reached the conclusion that the five princes have elected king of Saxony fleetpride ball is Henry who had the nickname falconer. 918 years is fragile Conrad Let nominate a successor in place of dying Prince Heinrich were agreed. 919 years of Saxony ball right to the throne of Henry Sr. Germany Germany which was pure by Carolingian dynasty and the people there is no association on blood. Due to the coronation of Henry standing by being East Francia Franks and also break their own feudal lineage was prepared on the assumption that you can evolve as a German national residents also became aware of the concept of Germany.
From the 10 th century village, east jyareu Magyar tribe occupied the place was invaded Hungary and build their own kingdom. And Frank was invaded East adjoining. The same time, Frank was not able to effectively respond to the intrusion of the village jyareu five families have been split by the princes. When the East Franks tried to do an effective counterattack against jyareu age group was the first one since Heinrich was crowned as King of Germany. 919 years was crowned Henry Sr. and rebuild the fort and castle in Germany and all over the creation of a powerful fleetpride armor cavalry troops began to prepare thoroughly for re-precipitation of Hungary. Based on this, and his son, Otto Heinrich Otto 1 count could be defeated in Augsburg fleetpride and Derya for 933 years and 955 years jyareu tribe village. Do jyareu family twice a decisive victory over Germany's eopeotjiman forced to give up the German invasion of Western Europe was given a royal patron was strengthened and Western Europe the Christian world from the invasion of nomadic reputation. These achievements were rewarded by recognition in Germany 12 years old, 962 years of Pope Johannes Otto I as a Roman emperor of the Roman Church. Otto Sr. The name of the country by being a Roman emperor by German <Holy Roman Empire> was named. The first empire was born that the Germans would be proud of this. Doeja church support and strengthen royal power by powerful feudal lords of the Duchy are increasingly sought want to view open between the church and the king in order not to lose their dokripgwon. However, the Pope and the Archbishop of which are clerical feudal lords, bishops, abbot were rejected by the judge that it is more advantageous to voluntarily rather than being presented fleetpride to the king hanmyeongui exploitation for five princes. Of course, the church had to know a lot of effort and struggle are needed in order to stay in the kingdom as an independent part of the church, which was worth taking. fleetpride The results of Otto I of Germany could be restructured to <kingdom church System>.
In collaboration with the King Church could also receive social security and land and secular powers had gained a huge amount of religious jurisdiction. While the king was able to use the church as a political tool by the appointment of competent senior minister. It is that the priest was involved in politics means the weakening of the nobility forces. As the priest appointed to public office because they can not get married no offspring fleetpride to inherit a certain amount of bags given to the king. This priest was involved in the political king dies, which means that it is possible to recover the land awarded to him. This was the best means to check the king had his estates to create a precedent for the evils of the Church engage fleetpride in insagwon fleetpride natgido but as time feudal lords.
They became the German national born as a new aristocracy outward expansion was to be paid to them out of the land. This was a very serious problem even under the medieval feudal land and formed the basis of loyalty. And the king and feudal lords were the background to the colonial policies promoting competitive to ensure lack of possessions. However, where the Germans fleetpride to advance political system was still incomplete Italy and Slavs living area is west to the east. Italy is the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire was parked right in accordance with the Pope's appointment of guardian of the shares of the church. fleetpride Accordingly, the emperor doeja tilting force the Italian business feudal forces in the country have been suppressed in the meantime provided the excuse for deukse. The feudal and ecclesiastical feudal lords were entered by the Germans <feudal eastward expansion> called standing slab area.
They were able to advance to line up on the Oder Oder river Elbe River downstream from the last years of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor. And the indigenous people of the area were standing Slavic resistance to the Germans vigorously intruders. Their resistance to the policy of the German eastward was picked entered fleetpride a lull moment. However, in 1096 the crusade started in Western Europe doeja German lords had the agility to take advantage of this as an opportunity to eastward expansion. 1147 accompanied by a group of feudal lords lion ball Heinrich of Saxony and <slabs Crusade> is plausible under the slogan across the Oder visitors staged a robbery. But they will not cause naeseun sikindaneun convert the barbaric Slavs to capitalize on the crusade to Christianity was the real purpose of wealth and territory. Unscrupulous robber expedition 强盜 遠征 of Heinrich was deeply doubts about Germany's only Slavs. However, we succeeded to belong to Mecklenburg Mecklenburg and Brandenburg Jörg probe denbeu Kirk Brandenburg Germany as permanent land.
German fleetpride feudal lords no justification to succeed Ostpolitik were encouraged to emigrate to the area west of the conquered Slavs. And runner preference to residents of Germany and the Netherlands are migrating a lot of people were trying fleetpride to immigrate to the west Slavic region. In addition, the feudal lords who moved to Slavic areas, monks, farmers, merchants and craftsmen were constructed by fusing cities such as Leipzig, Leipzig and Rostock Roctock contributed to oeku mene sikineunde attributed to the region in Germany. By oppression and exploitation of these migrants are Slavs as a background fleetpride and monasteries, towns and cities fleetpride in their settlements drove the Slavs to the east.
The specialty of the Eastern expedition fleetpride worth of these feudal aristocracy was founded fleetpride in the midst of the tyuton Knights crusade. fleetpride Feudal lords and knights-rigging by the creation of an independent fleetpride feudal state of the church in 1226 by invading Prussian province of Prussia fleetpride stood at the forefront of Germany's Ostpolitik. fleetpride These 1237 Livonia Livonia - now in Latvia and Estonia - by advancing to the area were able to build their fort in front of the nose of the Kiev Russia. Tyuton Knights of the 12 cities and 14 countries in the Baltic region where feudal conquest, by building a village of 2,000 in the country of Poland is a slab was blocking the exit naahganeun Baltic sea. This was to wear a huge economic blow Poland was held under the influence of Germany. While the northern part of the Kiev Russia

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

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[Colossians dot] gimhyeonmin reporter = Barcelona vs Shakhtar, Date: April 13, 2011 3:45 a.m. (Korea time), location: Donbass Arena stadium # quarterfinal first leg results in Barcelona (the Bar g) Camp Nou Open quarter-final first leg was climbing out from the bursting of Andres Iniesta in the lead two minutes before half went Apply early Saga. After the addition of Shakhtar actively challenges the Bar's goal threat truck driver salary but, due to the lack of determination did not record the equalizer, and the other a 34 minute gaps Daniel ahwoobeseu the game had driven a wedge down the right wing, making the second goal of the team. Ahwoobeseu burst out of the goal after a match was made in the capital of Svalbard's one-sided. Shakhtar Donetsk defender Yaroslav was called, but the team's success 59 minute Kitts key goals sikimyeo threat to Barcelo use a moment, but rather it was the count of touching a sleeping lion Corn, Bar buying two more successful while an additional five to one goal The achieved victory. Both teams played in the Champions League quarter-final first leg of the list is as follows: Apply Inc. (4-3-3): Valdes (GK) - ahwoobeseu, Pique, Busquets, Adriano (Maxwell, 70 minutes) - Xavi, Mascherano, Keita - Iniesta (Afellay, 90 min), Messi, Villa (Pedro 70 min) Shakhtar Donetsk (4-2-3-1): Blood Saratov (GK) - Srna, database Shevchenko, La Kitts key, Surat - moire Ketapang Rihanna, whip Schumann (Dudu, 83 minutes) - Douglas Costa, Jádson ( New Peer Nadi, 70 minutes), Willian (Teixeira, 75 minutes) - Luis Adriano # Barcelo use, unscrew the Champions League Champions League tournament has recently Svalbard Expedition slump is showing some weakness on the road. The actual last season truck driver salary and this season's Champions League Saga De Varga multiplier on the road is only just two wins. Furthermore, it stopped the visitors in the fact that the bigger problem is museung at least since coach Pep Guardiola has appointed a Champions League 08/09 season tournament (Home and Away) (5 draw and two losses). In terms from 07/08 season is during 8 consecutive semi-final expedition museung record. Barr's next opponent is the eternal rivals truck driver salary Real Madrid viable state. In addition, the coach of Real Madrid, Mourinho had been subject to a defeat in the Champions League semi-finals last season Barcelo use. In other words, in order puleona easy going steady in the Champions League semi-final Varga Saga needs to break the jinx this opportunity museung tournament visitors. # Shakhtar Donetsk, Shakhtar needs a miracle after another has exploded in recent bad news is coming out. In Svalbard expedition in four league games last weekend following a one-to-one router with five home first defeat the danghamyeonseo Donbass Arena opened since the unbeaten fell broken. Of course, still 12 games unbeaten home European competition is underway (9 wins, 3 draws). But in September 2009 after the Donbass Arena is home undefeated all the way yieojyeoon opened truck driver salary a significant impact gun can not be broken. Along with 20 home game winning streak also ended. Example of reversing the first leg of the European competition history 4 golcha is not only 3 times. That even if it is not reversed even once golcha In the fourth Champions League debut. For example if you have just one kinds of comfort is that street turn the three golcha. Deportivo is the main character of a very 2003/04 season. Deportivo have lost one, but four in AC Milan Away, geodumyeo 4 - 0 win at home set a Champions League record the history of most aberrations reversed. If the Shakhtar Donetsk Shakhtar is based on the principle Away goals rule if you won a 4 0 win against the Barbary Company can achieve miraculous semi-finals. Of course, even yigetjiman days short of a miracle .... even the Shakhtar coach Mircea Luce scoop "the possibility is very unlikely, but we will strive to get the best results. The Champions League is a chapter of valuable experience that money can get to us was, "he said. That is, in fact, this game is a miracle of Shakhtar Donetsk Shakhtar semifinal than can be said to fit jean game more focused on whether or not if I can win against the Barbary use at home. Barcelo Company also gave a break to prepare for El Clásico jujeongeup possible expedition and Real Madrid Champions League tournament over the weekend when it threw down the gauntlet to the visitors truck driver salary museung break jinx. # Matdaegyeol truck driver salary entirely matdaegyeol teams of all time, and that is absolutely the Barbary Inc., one draw and two losses lead with five wins. In just get along Champions League debut season 04/05 and 08/09 Season 1 W 1 L was recorded. But this can be expressed as itgetda record that blind spot. Was in the Champions League game with all four matdaegyeol truck driver salary of 32 in Champions League with, Svalbard Saga game they lost was built after all already confirmed the Round of 16 Barbary saga. Apply to both economic loss to Shakhtar Donetsk because we live appearances however, was promoted to the second player. Actual 04/05 season Away In Ukraine Fernando truck driver salary just me, Sylvinho, Juan bereudu, Harvey Sat, Rhodri, and at the time was a promising youth team and backup truck driver salary players like Lionel Messi are made appearances en masse. 08/09 season at the Camp Nou Home As well as the backup truck driver salary goalie horeukera Víctor Sánchez, Sylvinho, Martín Cáceres, Vazquez, Alexander Hleb, Bojan and Pedro (Pedro truck driver salary at the time was ttwideon players in the youth team) and backup and youth team players played the game. The teams matdaegyeol except for the most recent season took place in the 2009/10 season, UEFA Super Cup. Both teams have 90 minutes time jeonhuban gamyeo even after a 0 - 0 draw pyeolchyeot a tight engaged but ended the 115 minute Pedro Barceló's 1 - 0 victory scoring the winning goal as cheongeum. The UEFA Super Cup match was also immediately notify the star birth of Pedro. truck driver salary # Latest Results of Shakhtar v Carpathian March 13 (Away): 0 to 1 L (UPL) 03 월 20 Works v Boleyn (home): 4 - 0 win (UPL) 04 월 01 Works v Ilyich Betz Away : 3 to 1 win (UPL) 04 월 06 Works v Barr, Inc. (visitors): 1 5 L (Champions League) April 9 v o Vorlons truck driver salary (home): 0 to 1 L (UPL) Barcelona, March 13 v Sevilla Away: a one-to-one-free (Primera Riga) March 19 v Getafe (home): 2 to 1 win (Primera Riga) April 2 v Villarreal Away: 1 to 0 wins (Primera Riga ) April 6 v Shakhtar (home): 5 to 1 W (Champions League) truck driver salary April 9 v Almeria (home): 3, 1 draw (Primera Riga) # 1 Shakhtar team news, space captain Srna is ? Shakhtar had caused a lot of power leakage in defense. Among the most striking thing is the rise of the right claimed Dario Srna. He ended up in the thigh injury at the weekend league match, coach Mircea Luce Surgical and view the possibility of Srna played a little over 20%. Moreover weeks left central defender Dmytro Chygrynskiy is also likely to be missed in this game with an ankle injury. Not only can not play in this game as a backup defender Oleksandr Oleksandr value chopeu kuheo and also a knee injury. truck driver salary To add to that struck the left side of weeks ago defender Razvan lats as prices will miss the quarter-final second leg of Hvar Inc., a warning cumulative. Defender possible starter at defensive line appearances count not only Yaroslav La Kitts and key people. Meanwhile, striker truck driver salary Luis Adriano weeks before the exhibition is due to muscle pain while opaque. When the colon is Dudu Adriano truck driver salary is expected to replace his empty seat. Shakhtar Donetsk (4-2-3-1): Blood Saratov (GK) - Corbin, database Shevchenko, La Kitts key, syebeu Zug - meukeu heater Rihanna, whip Schumann (or Persephone Nadi New) - Douglas Costa, yard hand, Willian - Dudu 2. Apply companies, hired two massive promotion? Apply live this long-term captain Carles Puyol missed because we still did not come back even after having surgery to remove the tumor, Eric Abhidharma from a knee injury that is inevitable. Recently, Bojan keureukichi and Jeffrén Suárez was named on the disabled list. The Barcelo buy already built almost finalized the semi-finals, scheduled to come because the value of Real Madrid in El Clásico derby weekend prospect of promotion to appoint a large number of players 2 In this second leg are pouring. Barcelona (4-3-3): truck driver salary Pinto (GK) - Adriano, Pique, Milito, Maxwell - Xavi, Busquets, Keita - Afellay, truck driver salary Messi, Villa goal now dot the live preview on the game scores, real-time text relay, Best & Check the worst player, player rankings, and more! [ Popular News] [Real Madrid] war of the stars, truck driver salary the Champions League quarter-final second leg [Real Madrid] bat 3rd Corps Valencia punch! [Real Madrid] team and kulha

Sunday, April 19, 2015

While Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer just pleaded again only for a better exchange of personnel b

Berlin water and the German development consignee aid - a fraud model without end | Balkan consignee Blog
Abzocken to the end: The fraud Development Ministry BMZ This is how it quickly a few times million if no bid on fraudulent companies to award contracts, and not even foreign experience and expertise required, such as the World Bank holds, inter alia, in reports. The Mafia could not do better.
A remarkable number of senior executives in the department of Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul consignee (SPD) leave in the weeks just before the election, their positions in the agency or transported. So want Bernd Dunnzlaff, since 1999, the Minister for services, exchange his current job as head of the parliamentary and cabinet unit against a post at the embassy in New Delhi. Previously, the 53-year-old employees to become civil servants, although the Treasury had initially rejected this writing having regard to the provisions. As many as three employee wants the minister rise in the higher ranks and better pay: its spokesman consignee Stephan Bethe, a speech writer and a former head of her office. From the direct consignee environment of their Secretary Erich Stather consignee the personal assistant Manon Geissler replaced by 1 September consignee in the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN in New York. In amazement comes also the case of Vice-President of the Asian Development Bank, Ursula Schaefer-Preuss in the ministry. The former office manager Wieczorek-Zeul, ranked according to their detachment division manager, was sent in 2006 for three years the Bank posts to Manila. Your qualification is controversial in the department. In October, she is 65 years of age, but her contract to be extended by two years. The personnel consignee decisions, says Stather, were "no surgery evening sun, but samples of a normal, logical development".
While Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer just pleaded again only for a better exchange of personnel between politics and economics, Development Minister consignee Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul therefore lies with its Staff in the clinch. You want to send Eckhard German, a proven development specialist of the German Foundation for International Development and to SPD man, the World Bank in Washington. Prompt the CDU-dominated Staff outraged about allegedly partisan personnel policies. In sharp contrast to 1998, when the then Minister for Development Carl Dietrich consignee Spranger (CSU) is still occupied by the lost federal election key positions with party people?
Spranger's successor is now - two case - even chalked that makes a woman to the Head of Department: the boss of their offices Minister Ursula Schaefer-Preuss. Already jealous of you her pay increase, allegedly by two levels of B 3 (Ministerial / 10 900 Marks monthly) to B 9 (Secretary / 15 200 marks). She gets first time only a conductor consignee point (B 6/13 000 marks). Ridiculous - three case - the excitement is the fact that the personal assistant to the "Red Heidi", Uwe Gehlen, the location of Shepherd Preuss takes over. The was only two years but in the house, they say.
Social scientists he has studied, so it fits scientists in the botch of mind, but it would be better for sure that such oblique Tpyen never have anything to do with crises countries. And the criminals responsible for building organizations DEG and GTZ, where now alibi projects and embezzlement of funds belonging to the building business, inter alia, to sponsor lobbying associations.
Let's call the BMZ a pure criminal organization, as awarded by completely illegal and suppressed against any EU regulation in foreign orders, without any competition, because there is a lot of money. And millions disappear into the channels of corruption and bribery too familiar companies like Siemens, among other things, or controlled by Siemens mafia criminals operating lobbies such as the DAW
BERLIN taz In connection with the use of lobbyists in Federal Ministries is now also the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in the criticism. As is apparent from a study published by the Home Office on Wednesday overview, is the Ministry of Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul (SPD) since August an employee of the Berlin Water Works busy. By January it is there to participate "in different tasks to the subject area, infrastructure 'with consignee the aim of mutual information and experiences." Paid they will continue their normal employer during this time.
Particularly piquant appears this cooperation, because the parent company of the Berlin Water Works, the Berlin Holding AG, at the same time benefiting from funds from the budget of the Ministry

Anonymous - 18 June 2012 - 15:12 Permalink

Authors forbidden | RESO
At the end of the Second World War, 90% of the Albanian population is illiterate. An ideal terrain for indoktrimin. The dream of every ideologue. And to have hands free all actions before making china shipping the power of Enver Hoxha is the elimination of what little intelligence was educated in the best universities of Europe (Paris, Rome, Berlin, Vienna, London) and in the same time begins the formation of political commissars sending the capital of the Byzantine communist, Moscow. The first action to incite fear those who might think otherwise, second, to flushing the brain rest. This plan will last, not less, but nearly half a century (1944-1991). Entire generations will grow formed china shipping under the ideology Enverist every day, twenty-four hours (daily Marxist philosophy more reduced only in some quotations leaving the country "works" of Enver Hoxha). china shipping Indroktinimi starts from nursery to university. Since Primer sites that opens with a portrait of uncle Enver. All cultural and artistic institutions in the hands of the party. Nothing can be done without the consent and approval of her: Literature, Theatre, Music, Painting, Sculpture, Cinema, Photography.
The more isolated Albania (breaking with the Soviet Union, later with China), the more it will strengthen the idea of Albanian art of socialist realism (as the East nor of the West). Around '80, two million Albanians look for the twentieth time is the same Albanian film dymijtën listen to the same song again is Albanian and only see paintings china shipping and sculptures china shipping of Albanian artists (today finds dozens nostalgic playing with phrases from movies Albanian or yearn to songs of those years. This is reminiscent of the story of the child increased from wolves, that no human contact with the world). Not for nothing ideologues seek to make themselves younger generation giving the emancipating role, advantaged, and promising a bright future china shipping (Imagine what can happen in the mind of a farmer giving a statute such?) And adding "it would not have happened without the Party and its leader Enver dear friend." Not only that but all his life and his children, and even the world beyond, china shipping Communism (heaven on earth) is associated with these two saviors' Party (an abstract notion) and Enver (alive and immortal). Even so too will these two names mpleksen propaganda and so will be played with them as the "poet", with the death of Commander, among others, will write: "You were loved as mother".
You were crystal clear You were beautiful china shipping as spring You were right as you were smiling people like beauty you were refreshing morning breeze as strict as you were storm own greatness You were great son has Albania.
Being from a poor peasant china shipping family, because the class was undeveloped when the Communists took power, seen as a key quality. The mayor of linking Albania writers and artists Dritëro Agolli would declare in one of his poems: "I villager from Devolli, which puts firm Green Hill: Poem". And all poets officials will come from the villages will be formed according kallupit approved by the party, as they come from the South, usually called Petrit, as well as those coming from the North of usually called Ndoc. Not only that, but this stratum of society was created the illusion that it was they who decide the fate of the country. Are you without us. In fact, they accounted for labor in agriculture, and had major reservations about the military, police, security).
Surrounded by barbed wire, without any contact with the world culture. The only philosophy dominant in all schools is a Marxist-Leninist it. All other philosophers, without exception, will damkosen as "reactionary". Will degenerate kondiserohen china shipping as all writers of artists who left their mark on the art of the twentieth century as they had done and the Nazis in 1933.
Watching any reproduction (album, postcards) of their works, or mention of any philosopher, writer or poet stop, will lead to jail, even to the shootings Hanging writers, painters and poets.
Raymond Aron
Thomas Samuel Kuhn
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Anonymous - 18 June 2012 - 15:12 Permalink
Where is Lyxeng Qi, Hu koqeis HU, xua LYpsi idiotis .... Why is this idiot tried this Post ??? Let print, click and will find a host of endless names of the six Kontitnetet the respective sites.
Fish with these posts is giving takes place Murals in China at the time of Rev

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Proficient in foreign bribery, is now calling O. Spieker but also the judges (which are only circus

The fraud Abmahner of the Year: Dr. Oliver Spieker on behalf of Berlin Water | Balkan Forum
Against the firm Görg in Berlin penalty was provided ad, because of the court case 27 0 1032/09 (the infamous 27 Senate of Berlin, which under Buskeismus, is now seen by experts) the Berlin District Court: Judge Mauck, Becker, Hoßfeld order of December 3, 2009!
Berlin water tries with all the fraud and feces Show in Elbasan Albania to cover up where you were then fired upon millions of serious fraud in development aid! see below, the facts and evidence. Here, the 10-year experience in foreign bribery and methods krminellen the applicant is of course also good. Everything is easily forged together to prominent media and Albania no. 1 to get info mouth death. In a normal state, it is called blackmail of the worst kind
Proficient in foreign bribery, is now calling O. Spieker but also the judges (which are only circus in Berlin Corruption command receiver) on, to report international to him like a banana Republk to the judgment denying. Quote on page 2 of the application, 27.10.2009: "previously incorporated by phone with the signer contact (lawyer Dr. Oliver Spieker, tel. 030 884503-160" The judges are command receiver and thus fully corrupt because seitwann are so right invalid bribery judgments regulated thereafter, the judges should pick up their orders international by phone. Worse like the Nazis a judgment is organized international here and every objection possible and opinion, with intent to prevent, by no law instruction is sent along. It has fond memories of the Freisler judgments. Here is the page 2 of the quick application! international
And then such absurd judgments coming out, which is of course sent to the EU authorities, but anyway this website Read about 2,000 people per day and was and is! Articles are taken from about 10,000 sites over time.
Here, the typical hard criticized by the EU authorities judgment in Berlin banana republic. which was heavily international criticized in now GRECO Report of the European Council again in December 2009. simply click so that it is enlarged international
Also working closely with the full knowledge and intent, with the prominent drug mafia and the most notorious criminal clans in Albania. Berlin water as other well-known professional bribery companies (Siemens Leith deer), international a member of the criminal lobbying organization DAW.
A good question would halt when in 2006 a law for licenses in Albania were, as RWE - Berlin water in the wake of the Siemens bribery orgies on the DAW, paid to corrupt and often highly criminal Mafisoi who call themselves politicians and called for a 30 to obtain -year license in Elbasan for 30 years, but already the beginning of 2002! So intense bribery culture cultivated exclusively German companies in Albania, international which is the only-bought this law invalid licenses with a lot of bribery million.
of course, a well revoked by the Supreme Court ruling of Judge Buske nickname is still in evidence "presented gravedigger of freedom of expression," is well-known for his judgments, and was in the interest of Osmani Albanian mafia in Hamburg. Criminals need now time German judicial international protection.
There are thus as proved without a hearing, without the right instruction, without the possibility international of an objection by corrupt and criminal judicial systems in Germany as the Nazis judgments. And this is severely criticized by GRECO of the EU Council of Europe in December 2009 report.
Berlin water fearing each public hearing, because the company international has prominent drug lords and criminals as a business partner: (sitting brother Nard / Leohard a) and others international Lefter Koca then in Durres, a particularly well-documented Mafia clan family with at least 4 years of education, but their own drugs laboratories and closely linked with the killer international team to the Kosovars Lul Berisha, who is seated.
Contracting company Berlin water, by the Syndic Hubert Wenz Géronne: with application dated 26.11.2009 and 27.11.09, without the right instruction and prior service on the defendant. Banana international Republic international Germany international because international something is more than enough for a petition to the European Court of Human Rights. In Albania identified the prosecutor, because of the fraud of Berlin water, as can be seen from the available sources on the internet for years.
As recently as 2006 there was a law in Albania that you can give foreign firms licenses. With enormous criminal energy a criminal column from the corrupt international German policy is to be covered up, the Berlin water but a license is bought years earlier at a purely international krimnellen government as well as the embezzlement of millions of severe Consult fees. The Abente

Friday, April 17, 2015

You are invited to register in the forum in order for to participate in forum discussions expressin

You are invited to register in the forum in order for to participate in forum discussions expressing your opinion. Registration is free. Weekly Poll: Do you have faith in the law of your life to protect PRT state as a citizen?
Originally forwarder ardiana forwarder Rrizonit lie about breast t (today Kotor bay) and t Neretva. Ardiante extending its powers in all other provinces that were under the first m taulantve rule. Ardiana important matters playing a role in the wars against the Roman invaders, during the third century - II BC, in Kohn when the Mbretris ardiana dynasty ruled Illyria. The capital of the ardianve was Shkodra. forwarder 'Kraja of Shkodra, the path between East and West, the Albanian territories among Balts (t Shkodra Lake) and romana (Rumis) s saint, is archeology values t numerous'. '
'Kraja of Shkodra, the path between East and West, the Albanian territories among Balts (t Shkodra forwarder Lake) and romana (Rumis) s saint, is archeology values t numerous'. "It was not coincidence the fact that the author of the monument forwarder to par in Albanian language (Missal) John Buzuku, was from Kraja, from this area with tradition in culture and education fushne medieval . ' N centers ksaj three, n Ostros, today the municipality of Bar, located and operating Elementary School "Gjergj Kastrioti-Sknderbeu '...' The origins of edukats and education in Kraj parte t have searched the Albanians, the Labeates forwarder (ruins), forwarder t CILT were heyday of European culture, and pedagogy (politely) albano-Albanian folk . However, m as known to date, educational forms of money in this area, as well as to other regions in the northern Albanian albano-organized religious orders, originally Benedictine, t CIL t stayed and developed their activities in these regions VI-XIII century, after t cilve came and dominated in these areas pjestarte Dominican order. In this any field also influenced factor and conquering other neighboring peoples, as Hellenic, Roman, Venetian, Slavs, Ottomans, etc. '. N academic year 1928/29, exactly m 10 March 1929 opened the first school forwarder in Kraj (in Serbian) n Maxhuraj (Ostros), forwarder n House Smajl Maxhurit, the which continued its activity up in 1941. Its par Msuesja was Milka Savic, forwarder who worked three years in this school. The first Kshilli school iksaj prbhej the ASEM eka_Gjeniqi, SAIT Kanaqi and Met-Kovai Alia. N 1935/36 school year opened the second elementary school in Kraj, in Martic (also in Serbian), n t cilni msimet pupils attended Martic , t and t Boboshtit Kshtenjs. Msuese was Antonia Markovic. Fascist forwarder occupation brought a new political forwarder reality of education to the n Kraj, when m 22 July 1942 and joined Prefekturss Kraja Shkodra. 'N academic year 1941/42 was al Elementary School in Ostros Skanderbeg. Albanian eksaj primary school teachers were from Albania: forwarder Prek Gjakova, Nuh Kii, Kaqe Pine and Ilia gravel. N the month of May 1942 it had 74 nxns school, to all boys'. 4 After the Second World War, Kraja prsri was found within the administrative boundaries of political t s new socialist Yugoslavia. N academic forwarder year 1945/46, prprgaditjen and mirvajtjen emsimit, stayed and worked nearly four months in Kraj teachers from the mountain side, Fadil Avdiu and Met Kurti. M 1 September 1946 was al elementary schools in Albanian language in Maxhuraj, n t cilne msimin pupils forwarder attending the Great Ostrosi, Ostrosi of small Arbnesh from Skjeja. Teachers ksaj par t have dogs: Veli Hoxha and Jamal Avdiu. N the first year the school had 161 nxns this school. N academic year 1946/47 was al the n Martic in Albanian language schools with teachers: Met Kurti, Hasan Hoxha (Gjebritaj), Adam Gjokaj and Ali cuku. N that year, the school had 64 nxns by Martic, Kshtenja, Ftjani and Boboshti. Later this school passes in Ramushaj. Els N academic year 1947/48 elementary schools in Albanian language in Dragovic, with Halil msues Avdi. The school had 49 nxns. Later it passed in Kshtenj. Primary school kt passing year Maxhurajve coursed t n t Great Ostrosit par with teachers kranjan Recep Lanin (Gjebritaj). Yes kt year els even primary schools in Arbnesh, with Janko msues ciln Perkolnn t msimin 87 nxns followed by Arbnesh and Skjeja. Prof. Dr. Hajrullah Koliqi: 'History Education racist', Pristina, 1999. N 1948/49 school year, the primary school was al n Ftjan, with 58 nxns, with Hysen msues cuku and schools n primary Bobosht 70 nxns, with msues Ali cuku. In the school year 1951/52 as a teacher works Salo Kurmemoviqi Side Mount. N elementary school in the academic year 1952/53 forwarder in Ostros was added fifth grade. In the school year 1953/54 as Curoviqi Myrto teacher works well. N academic year 1955/56 school Pruning tetklasore. Kraja began to continue forwarder secondary education, many of t cilve in normal schools (vocational schools for teachers), in Niksic, Pristina, Ferizaj, Gjakova and Skopje. M 1960 dol

Fifteen years after the last of the wars in the process star track express of disintegration of Yug

At the recent Pristina protests that have brought out tens of thousands of people one of the key requirements was the nationalization of the complex Trepca mines. Around this famous mine who played a role in some of the key episodes in the process of disintegration of the former state today to slow the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Kosovo.
"Trepca star track express works, Belgrade is being built" star track express is a saying that the Serbian know everyone star track express in Kosovo. Even people living in rural parts of Kosovo, and usually do not speak Serbo-Croat, but also young people who have never studied Serbo in schools. This is a saying often heard in demonstrations in Kosovo star track express in the 1980s and early 1990s that have suggested the dissolution of Yugoslavia. The Kosovo Albanians believe that in Yugoslavia, Kosovo star track express was exploited and that the logic of unequal development meritorious that remains the poorest part of the country. star track express Industrial development in this period did not follow the development of Kosovo as a province. The growth of a sense of inequality and exploitation, it grew among Kosovo Albanians, especially after the abolition of autonomy in 1989 is strengthening the influence of Serbia in Yugoslavia after Tito's death. Kosovo social enterprises star track express that produced and exported at the time (now mostly privatized and used only as storage) have passed at that time the ethnic cleansing: after 1989, when the working class opposed the abolition of Kosovo's autonomy, Albanian workers were expelled from work. It all began when the miners of Trepca start several days strike in Stari Trg mine, which is their problem sustained attention of the wider public and the then Yugoslav high-ranking officials.
The widespread feeling among Kosovo Albanians that the Yugoslav colony encouraged by the fact underdevelopment of the province despite the great wealth in mineral resources, and the former socialist countries has not managed to convince its citizens to the stated goal of equality for all. On the mining strike star track express in 1989 workers star track express were carrying photographs of Tito, and on recordings from that time can be heard socialist rhetoric workers and their emphasis on socialist values star track express in discussions with Yugoslav officials who came to persuade them to stop the strike. Milan Kucan, former Slovenian President said: "The strike at Stari Trg not only defending the autonomy star track express of Albanians and Kosovo. Defend Yugoslavia, all its republics and nations, including Slovenia. "That moment marked the beginning of the breakup of Yugoslavia, which will culminate in armed conflicts of the 1990s.
Fifteen years after the last of the wars in the process star track express of disintegration of Yugoslavia, the one between Kosovo and Serbia, discussion of Trepca opened again. Serbia, which still considers Kosovo part of its territory, has taken the diplomatic and administrative action and held a conference regarding the recent announcement of the Kosovo government about the beginning of the process of nationalization of Trepca.
Trepca mine existed as early as the Middle Ages, but the first serious works there made a British company Selection Trust Ltd., which in 1925 bought the mines of Serbia and then establish the Trepca Mines Ltd. Just to illustrate, in 1935, achieved a profit of more than 200,000 pounds of lead and zinc. During World War II, Trepca was ruled by the Nazis, and since 1944, taking over the partisans. The period from the 1970s (when the increased star track express autonomy star track express of Kosovo) to 1980 (the year of Tito's death), the golden age of Trepca which transformed into one of the most important companies of Yugoslavia. From an ordinary mine turned into a company active star track express in different parts of Kosovo, and to the extraction of ore developed and processing. "At the height of its activity in 1980, Trepca is provided jobs for 22,500 workers and had an average annual turnover star track express of $ 100 million," says a UNDP report presented star track express at the conference in Pristina a few years ago.
During the 1990s (after the abolition of Kosovo's autonomy), when Albanians in Kosovo have built a parallel health and education systems and other public services because they were expelled en masse from their jobs, Trepca is also experienced a decline in production. The instability of the situation in this period contributed to the wild and illegal exploitation star track express of Trepca. The legality star track express of the process of conversion of Trepca star track express in the 1990s is doubtful. For example, Trepca was reorganized in 1991 under the supervision of Nikola Sainovic, former Minister of Mines and Energy, which is now a convicted war criminal. The complex is 1997 should be privatized together with another 75 companies. That year, the administration star track express signed an agreement with Greek company Mytilineos, which now claimed debts of Trepca, and is not the only company with that kind of claim. According to the UNMIK (United Nations Mission in Kosovo, which has administered Kosovo from 1999 to 2008), 66% of the shares of Trepca star track express belongs to the Serbian Development Fund, 27% of the shares of the state, 2.5% belongs Yugobank, 2.5% progress and Beobanka, and 2% Power Industry of Serbia. But this process was carried out at a time when the armed conflict between Serbia and Kosovo have already began, as with

Thursday, April 16, 2015

In other words, the National banks have not yet created, nor can establish shenker a rational relat

The mechanism of monetary depreciation and loss of independence: the case of Albania * | OP
The transfer of political power in Brussels and economic power in Bundenstag constitutes not only the prelude to the loss of independence, but also the overall loss of democracy: it decides cornerstone of local political control and economic policy (monetary and fiscal) by corporations, banks and supranational institutions, on the one hand, and further deterioration of the economy and welfare of the Albanian people. This situation clearly reflects the recent depreciation rate against major foreign currencies. This impairment is not caused because he strictly follows the euro, as argue "experts" National Bank [1], but because Albania shenker more imports than exports and "JSCs" in Albania trade in euros. An estimated 50 JSCs higher equity shareholders owning a total of 23.2 billion euros, representing about 77.2% of the total capital that all active shenker SHA-847 operating Albania. [2] Thus, our country, since the establishment of the National Bank on February 16, 1922 when our currency was named Lek, [3] found at the end of its cycle. Under the 1922 law, the gold franc would constitute market instrument and, arbitrarily, the elite of the time decided that the 20 franc gold equated with 100 leks.
In other words, the National banks have not yet created, nor can establish shenker a rational relation to monetary exchange rate. Hence the exchange rate determined on the basis of the principle: the currency of the most powerful economically and politically decide on converting the latter. For example, in 2011 China imposed America devalue its currency! Impairment shenker of Chinese shenker banknote brings rising prices of imported products, shenker but also reducing prices analog products that are exported, to the Chinese economy, the stage where it is, there is interesting because the Chinese economy relies on exports and reduction of Chinese export prices hurting its economy. Unlike this stage, the Swedish economy, for example, after a macroeconomic crisis in the years 1991-1993, with a fiscal deficit of 11% of GDP and government debit consolidated shenker 41% (1990) and 73% (1996), rose mainly due to an impairment of real exchange rates. In 1991-1993, relative unit labor costs fell by 20%. This was mainly due to the depreciation of the nominal exchange rate. [4] As cite two Orthodox professors in the Financial Times:
In October 1969, the government of Willy Brandt in Germany çrakordoi D-Mark by binding to the dollar within a day, putting in circulation an exchange rate for a short period and later restored the 9% lower (ie a D-valued brand). The British showed how not to do it. In 1990, when faced with huge deficits, they brought poundin in net equity percentage was much higher. After a short time the intense waves of speculation, poundit had to withdraw from the program. Argentina, which was forced to abandon the equality 1: 1 with the US dollar in 2002, suffered a storm tide of pesos banknote market. For about 18 months after severe fluctuations and devaluations, she found a new equality in its neighborhood three got into the 1 dollar. [5]
This means that when a country enjoys monetary independence, ie card-sovereign currency, and when not dependent on exports, even if suffering from deficits, can use this policy. The rationale behind this policy exists is that the low percentage of foreign exchange it will help local producers in two ways: first, it will make imports more expensive, pushing consumers to get rid of foreign goods local products; and secondly, would make cheaper relative price of exports, helping companies find customers abroad. [6] Albania, currently, is almost in the same situation with Sweden shenker the years 1991-93. If you require shenker repayment of debts, reducing the cost of labor, economic growth - not only in quantity but also in quality, depreciation mechanism should not only preserve its sovereignty and not to 'delegate in Brussels quintet of Buntestagut, but also to use while accompanied by a clear philosophical project. But when an economy dependent on exports, such as Germany and China, it does not concern shenker the depreciation of banknotes as what might interest an economy that depends on imports, such as Albania. For the same reason, it is imperative shenker that this measure be accompanied by other measures proposed by this project.
For more, if Germany depends shenker on exports, it directly harms the suburbs by blocking shenker the development of economic structures. This is why the value of the euro has increased since the introduction to her because she accompanies the dynamics of the German economy. On