Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The importance of natural attrition and the impact of human activity: in sludge, soil, topography b

8 Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. 28
Age younger continental emtrafesa crust. (200 million years), Senior. (Up to more than 4 billion years old) Thickness thinner. emtrafesa (3-10 km) thicker. (20-70 km) consists of a denser and heavier density of rocks. Density 3.0 consists of less denser and lighter rocks. Density 2.5 What are rocks composed of? Of the sedimentary layer and the basaltic layer. Sedimentary rocks, Sial, basaldikiht.
Volcano - a cone-shaped mountain, which is inside the lõõrilaadne salmon or their system through which magma and gases crushed rock masses will rise to the surface. The volcano emtrafesa caused when the magma pressure finds cracks in the earth's crust was the way to the ground.
A volcano occurs: lamas in remote emtrafesa areas where the edge of one another, the Lama dives (Pacific ring of fire), or where the llamas are removed from each other (Atlantic Mid-oceanic ridges) inland areas of the continents (Africa); oceans (Pacific and Atlantic - the so-called hot spots).
basaltic magma. There will be enriched in silicon and gas, and significantly higher viscosity, emtrafesa flowing sluggishly because of talent here, especially because of the granite magma. It flows through a relatively calm on the ground,
Volcanoes are usually kihtvulkaanid his condition may be either extinct volcanoes (human history and not ejected), or suikuvad emtrafesa (Temporary position available purskerahu) or active (continuous or a few (ten) years apart are active).
Earthquakes are ground emtrafesa vibrations and shifts that occur in rocks accumulated elastic stress release rebenemisega.Koht with rocks in the earth, which ruptured the rock begins - Fault earthquake, the earthquake is called the hearth (focus). Immediately place the furnace above the ground is called the center of the earthquake (epicenter). Depending on the directions of tension forces in the earth's emtrafesa crust along the seismic emtrafesa upheaval kivimplokid can slip in side loading or allanihke direction.
Volcanic soil is very fertile due to the increased concentration of minerals
Rocks formation is divided into three groups: Tardkivmid (formed from magma solidifies on the surface of the earth or the earth's crust) - Extrusive rocks - cure the earth's surface (eg,. Basalt) rocks are formed - freeze in the Earth's crust (eg,. Granite) ortokivimid - magmatic deformation (eg,. Graniit gneiss) parakivimid - deformation emtrafesa of sedimentary rocks (eg,. lubjakivi marmor) clastic sedimentary emtrafesa rocks - formed mureneud emtrafesa source rock pieces (eg. sandstone - is composed of quartz) biogensed chemical sedimentary Sedimentary Metamorphic
Magma - Earth's depths encountered, water vapor and gases saturated red-hot rocks melt
Physical weathering (will kivimiosakeste temperature fluctuations due to thermal expansion and contraction processes) in areas where there are large temperature fluctuations (diurnal temp. Fluctuations are especially large in continental climates, such as desert) cool climates where the temp. The diurnal variation is not large (eg, tundra), comes to the rescue of water freezing most intense emtrafesa physical weathering occurs in dry climates where there is little rainfall, but the temperature variation of the frequency is high
Chemical weathering (changes in the chemical composition of the rock, and a part-soluble substances released, but the outer shape of the stones initially becomes relatively few) will be intensely inside hot climates, because of the high temperatures accelerate the chemical processes emtrafesa essential to have a sufficient amount of precipitation that formed in solution
The importance of natural attrition and the impact of human activity: in sludge, soil, topography becomes. Soil is the residence of many organisms. Due to soil fertility can grow plants which are in turn food for both animals and humans. Plants can be attached to the soil, deep root system keeps kõrgemakasvulisi plants upright. Soil ecosystem functions with filtered, purified water and the air. Soil is an irreplaceable natural emtrafesa resource, agriculture, primary production tool.
12 Mullatekketegrid source rock - provides the basis for the mineral soil, and determines its physical and chemical properties of soil texture, air-and moisture, and nutrients soojenemiskiiruse wealth. Climate - has a significant impact murenemisprotsesse. Climate emtrafesa depends on the attrition rate, whether it is dominated by physical or chemical weathering, which is the end product of weathering. Precipitation and temperature will depend on the vegetation growing on the soil, which in turn determines the material cycling, emtrafesa organic matter accumulation and mineralization ratio (soil organic matter composition and amount). Depends on the climatic conditions of the soil entering the biological emtrafesa activity. Embossed - plain soil formation conditions are more homogeneous than the hilly terrain that, because the mountainous regions of soil cover considerably more diverse than the plains. Gravity will murendmaterjali, soil particles and nutrients Redistribution higher to a lower, ie the slope in the foothills. Solar radiation energy is distributed unevenly in different sections of the hilly topography: emtrafesa a more open sunny soils dry faster, persistent shadow soils remain cool and wet Hydrological regime - the relationship between precipitation and evaporation emtrafesa causes water and dissolved substances l

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