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Economy Minister Juhan Parts said the Rail Baltica project would benefit the whole of Estonia. The government on Thursday gave approval to continue the gauge of the new plan for the establishment of a Community Rail Baltica railway Tallinn-Pärnu-Riga route directly. The minister said Vikerraadio Parts broadcast, "New +" that the decision was based on a two-year study conducted by the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian government and the European Commission. Parts explained that the decision of the Government deciding factor was that the project should be viewed in terms of funding for six to eight years in advance, and when to leave now, after a thorough study of a large intermediate-term, the project will get delayed. "It is now possible active transport to go over the actual under development for the five-to six-year term to reach an investment decision," he said. The minister hinted that part was a deciding factor in elections in Latvia, where the power is coming to power, in favor of the gauge. "It is perfectly clear that a functioning active transport rail where there is an attractive passenger and freight traffic, the three countries will not occur without a substantial muster. If someone drops out, it is not possible to do this project," he said. Parts said that although South Africa has caused people to question why it was decided to build a pipeline through Pärnu, Tartu over this project would be financially pointless. "This is a hundred yards long, and it makes the whole possible active transport future rail perspective. Today, this is the position that if we do this route we want in this form - the track gauge and certain speeds, it is only possible for the shortest route. This route goes through Pärnu , "he explained. The Minister confirmed that he understood the South-East and South Africa concerns, but now the key question is whether this project will be realized. "When he realized then that beats throughout Ireland. Alternative is that the project did not materialize at all, and you lose the whole of Estonia," said Parts.
Vormsi be a joint police and rescue building, which will be completed in the spring of next year.
The Supreme Court did not take their complaint to the Security Police Board discussed year 2011 summary data published in the yearbook active transport dispute keskerakondlasest former parliament member and former active transport mayor of Tallinn, the current MEP Yana Toomiga.
Union for Child Welfare active transport launched the project "scapegoating active transport and free nursery school" training of new crews. The Union's active transport aim is to become participating schools in your area in the center of the corresponding methodology.
Ministry of the Environment Waste Shipment Reform Task Force met to discuss how to increase people's awareness of and interest in home garbage active transport generated separately collect the garbage and how to ensure greater competition in the market based on the customer's interests.
In December, triggered by the e-residency entitles aliens active transport access to the Estonian active transport e-solutions and IT Ministry of Economy Undersecretary Taavi Kotka carried the idea of a pre-registration already knew after the opening of a large number of interested people - gathered for the first day for fans of the 5600th
Centre Party candidate for Prime Minister walked active transport out of the concept stage Kadri Simson told ETV show "Two Call", the party's chairman and the mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar he certainly active transport rival the government should not start drawing.
Family Tradition SA and protective conductor Vooglaid Varro said that the organization'd rather deal with the problems of other families in Ireland, but is now torn union law fight.
Estonian delegates: opinions are divided on Mogherini
The Cabinet approved amendment to the state budget allocated to the Ministry plans to Sinimäe primary school destroyed by fire in support of the construction of a new academic building Vaivara municipality of 560,671 active transport euros. The decision must still approve the Riigikogu.
United States Embassy in Tallinn, Estonia welcomes the Government's decision to adopt one former Guantanamo detainee prison. According to them, the United States, President Barack Obama took his goal is to close the detention facility, and Estonia's decision to bring them to that goal one step closer.
British Interior Minister Norman Baker announced that the country's active transport main airports and the Eurostar train terminal is planned in West Africa commenced arriving passengers checking Ebola virus.
The Supreme Court did not take their complaint to the Security Police Board discussed the 2011 year summary of published data on the book to let the dispute Centre Party
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