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I read the article now days pläralat Maaleht intercoastal waterway info. However, we still continue to wickedness and will ilkuda !! It is also interesting that Google is toobiga references to information intercoastal waterway on the occurrence of the day. In addition, the occurrence of Maalehe article. Have an interest in the topic cooler than today's weather? intercoastal waterway History of the interest, we note that today was allowed up to 30 plus! And then one of great relevance here. http://www.riigikogu.ee/?op=steno&stcommand=stenogramm&pkpkaupa=1&date=1263219752&paevakord=5536 Inara Luigas Dear colleagues! intercoastal waterway Dear Minister! I wish first of all to you Setumaa good old custom is the end, of course, but also successful this year! On 11 November last year, we submitted an interpellation to the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications. Questions related to the content on the Koidula railway station construction. Koidula railway station construction has progressed according to plan, as we all know, and nearly a billion euros for paying the facility should be completed in 2011. Its main task will be to trade cargo between Russia and the European Union, Organisation of the day, it should be over 40 to let the train. It is believed that through the border post Koidula going to ride the trains travel intercoastal waterway to Riga, St. Petersburg and Moscow. We submitted six questions to the Minister of the economy. First, since the border station is designed primarily for freight transportation over the eastern border, would have been necessary, and whether there have been negotiations with our eastern neighbor has been negotiating with the Russian Federation, and what results? Secondly, how much and what kind of jobs are planned railway station intercoastal waterway to manage and service? Thirdly, the South-Estonian municipalities should now be able to overview the authorities there jobs to be created in order to be able to start training and re-training in order to be ready to compete for the jobs of the future? Who should be the contact person or -institutsioon this issue? Fourth, how are planned in the future running of trains Koidu Last Riga, St. Petersburg and Moscow, which has been made to ensure the present moment? Fifthly, that may be the biggest obstacle (ärikaalutlus carriers, the station for the use of questionable high infrastructure charges) that the passenger train is just a dream for the people of the locality? Lastly, if the country can earn a great income tax revenue to the state budget object is implemented in full? Thank you! We are now waiting for answers. Economic Affairs and Communications Juhan Parts Dear Chairman of the State! Members of Parliament! Thank interpellators submitted questions and answer those six questions. The first question: "Is it not necessary, and whether there have been negotiations with our eastern neighbor has been negotiating with the Russian Federation, and what results?" Direct negotiations with the Russian Federation in connection with the completion of Koidula border station is not necessary, because the train traffic through the Koidula intercoastal waterway station also took place before the construction of the new border station. Decision on the construction of a new railway station was primarily caused by the abnormal situation in the former train border and customs control Orav, where the necessary facilities due to a lack of border controls was forced to make unreasonable working conditions and customs will be downright Tartus, about a hundred kilometers from the state border. The new station being built will allow more trains to serve, it is also possible to expand the range of goods transported (eg, food, timber, livestock), as created goods, veterinary and phytosanitary border inspection intercoastal waterway facilities. This year at the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of the Russian Federation Ministry of Transport between the Transport Committee meeting in Tallinn, informed the Russian government to other rail freight intercoastal waterway transport-related issues during the discussion of the Koidula border station project and the imminent completion of the second question: "How much and what kind of jobs are planned railway station to manage and service?" First of all, these figures are, I say, is preliminary. Koidula railway station to manage and service jobs, agencies will intend intercoastal waterway to act as follows: TCB 12 jobs initially, AS EVR Infra two jobs, jobs AS EVR Cargo 10-15, Food and Veterinary Office 9 jobs, jobs in National Real Estate AS 30-40. However, it must take into consideration that since Koidula station will operate around the clock, intercoastal waterway every job will require the operation of a number of people, estimated to be needed for a total of 130-150 people. Third, asked whether the South-Estonian municipalities should not get an overview of the authorities, who are already
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