Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tags argentina, belarusian team, belarussian team, bolivia, brazil, chile, colombia, costa rica, fe

. Chain, which led us to the most southern point of the cherished American continent, from the Embassy of Chile began in Ushuaia. Consul advised us two offices that deal with transportation on the other side of Canal Beagle. In one sitting serious aunt, my story did not impress her, and the price of 125 USD NOT zdavalniv me. In the second office (Ushuaia boating) people were more razsudny. I was told that on the other side there is a Chilean town called Puerto Willams with a population of more than 2,000 people, which has a port with yachts. Ushuaia boating manager even said that he knew all tamashnih yacht owners and learns who will not agree whether we ride to Cape Horn. Move to the other side of the channel and the manager agreed to discount ... Then in Ushuaia total express boating pulled Lenya told briefly that we had to endure over the last year that recently had a daughter in a taxi, which he called Patagonia, which remained quite last part of the film that even now we are in the movie ... and turn on the camcorder. Workers in the office's jaw dropped and they are not only organized us a free ferry, but also prompted reliable people on the other side. Received a letter from the Ukrainian Embassy for assistance to the Governor of Puerto Williams, soon we are eating gooseberry bush on the other side of the Beagle Channel. At what Lenka was wearing gloves, and I'm not, and here is terrible prickly gooseberry. But on the way back we were in the opposite position and wept Lenka. Captain Ushuaia Boating Mavrysie. Welcome to the municipality of Cape Horn. 2262 inhabitants. First we stopped at the most central restaurant, which remained forever. The owner of the restaurant with the symbolic total express name "Cape Horn" by Gustav total express Schroeder after drunk admitted that we are working as Bolivians and that is a triumph total express for their settlements, where there is always labor problems. Gustav and his "Cape Horn" for his work took without asking permission. Just tied aprons and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes and help cook. The next day we were prepared as a chef in the soup for sailors Poles. Poles invited us to his sailboat pohmelyatsya and offered to go with them to the house. Do not need anything, they say, no money or food. Zayed in Brazil and in three months will already be home. Another important character - Chilean Bebo. Prepares sushi, total express rapping, opens its bar, now makes a living by harvesting empanada. And took us to work. Just as it is not as Gustav Argentine and Chilean, for him we were already Peruvians. Empanada come in different types - with meat, apples, vegetarian, etc. After Lenka when asked profession, saying "Razmalevshchyk empanada." At the same time, residents proznali we deftly chop wood and steel in place. firewood fought like seeds - truck a day at least we all have time. Even passing helped Bebo repairs restaurant. Citizens were happy, dine and generously thanked. For dessert, every home will soon become a hot fruit compote and serve with prysvistyvat total express "Katyusha". By the way, this song here everyone knows from childhood: it was built in Tetris. total express
Tags argentina, belarusian team, belarussian team, bolivia, brazil, chile, colombia, costa rica, festival, guatemala, honduras, kirill kravtsov, kiryl krautsou, metro, mexico, nicaragua, nyc, panama, peru, taburet, the stool, usa , ushuaia, Belarus, Cassiopeia, October, Red October, Magic October Red October, agritourism, Belarusian ornament, Belarusian ornament village visa Zorachka, October, Cyril Kravtsov, lapis Mikhalok, stay in the village, a portfolio, a peasant peasantry total express stool, fest, philosophy of life, photo, Red October total express expedition

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