Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sherlock trend Sherlock popular. As a child, when she looked at Livanov wanted to marry him, to win

daddy party via ljapp atyznaeshchtotakoebezumie all private faith-gg fuck yeah I'm such a whore house Jobe anger threw the book collapse of concert literature mood music people do not like to hurt fucking Picchu visited the idea of psycho reflection reflection snob well I want my mother poteryashka
Sherlock trend Sherlock popular. As a child, when she looked at Livanov wanted to marry him, to win his heart and a mean doom itself to the title of women-who-love-head. We have with Mister is used, depending on weather conditions, "Well, take a walk, or see another shit?". He does not like a movie, taschem-ta. And I love, but what I have little interest. Well, without a long vodoleizma - we watched "Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows." Did not like at all. Reasons: 1. Duet Downey - Lowe incomparable, chic and organic, logistik but it's not a duet Holmes - Watson. Downey Jr.., With all due respect (though I have not seen anywhere else), logistik has created a whole image, but some other character. It's like playing an actor playing Sherlock. In short, the inaccessibility delectable umnyashi-detective failed. 2. The plot was written, logistik God forgive me, on his knee. Logical moves, demonstration of the deductive logistik method, which could get thrown, logistik not spelled out, it is unclear logistik where and why the hell they are worn in Europe as he realizes the truth - and it remains a mystery. Well, or deciphering. Well, or to hell with him. 3. Damn, how much it effects - continuous clanging weapons, slowing e zaebavshe a fashionable three-teh. Overload perfect. 4. Line Holmes - Irene Adler. Who, what, why, where? Why was it shown? Took a lot of time, eventually died, Sherlock naklast. Jokes .. Well, so nicho places, but somehow the general background of the situation can not save. 6. Gypsies. That smoking filmmakers totally incomprehensible. Roma live as Chukchi, in some yarangas, style your hair every day and cooperate with the revolution. Personally, in my town Roma peddling heroin, Playstation and children. Although, maybe it's European gypsies are. Again, poor Cossack, logistik who played a cameo role, imposed classically - it stinks and onions and then, and he astrakhan fur and blond beard he. Verdict gentlemen squat - Hollywood chewing gum for fans to gawk at the beautiful M or F under the popcorn, with a claim to large fees to be sure.
And I have a claim to the claims) The same film Guy Ritchie. "Snatch," "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels", for example. I do not know exactly, but it seems to me that if he read Conan Doyle, it just did not go deep. In his films, and as you go on the show. Nuyzhna logistik deduction and original story - all in the series BBC) How apropos "Girl logistik with the Dragon Tattoo" Swedish spill played?
Show - it is a good thing, but it seems to me that Sherlock - still something more classic. Pillar sort. Maybe I'm conservative, yes. ogollivudit everything is possible, but is it necessary? Swedish "Woman" was not looking, but that's Craig. And you know, I liked it
The whole point is that instead of the name "Sherlock" there you can insert any other. Then do not look somewhat stupid Hollywood movies, but only European interpretation. Again, I'm talking about the fact that Guy Ritchie still on the classics. Just the name at the hearing, all the rest is its American postmodern mind thing. "Holmes about gaerichevskogo I tell you what. 1) you do know that it is not removed from the books, and comic book? 2) if someone wants unscientific action and he can and wants to take it off, there's nothing you can do about it . 3) and then, if we are talking about Holmes, leaning on books, as all can talk about anything canonical if Holmes logistik himself (Englishman) plays a Russian Jew? about local "steampunk" I do not say anything. "

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