The cover leaves truckers edge little to the imagination: a shadowy gas station at night, shadows that might be and above to the German title of hidden persons: Tank Stelle. The debut novel by Auke Jets tells the story of the Dutch Douwe, who in addition to his study of mathematics in Karlsruhe, gets entangled in the murky world of international drug trafficking. "With principles I was less accurate than with numbers."
On the football Douwe met his two friends Toni and Mehmet. Through them, he comes to work as a toilet boy at a gas station and as a courier for VOWA, a group of drug dealers who service station used as a meeting place. Douwes navigates life between studying mathematical equations, work in the toilets of the gas station and a life on the highway full of fast cars and expensive parties.
Clearly, Tankstelle reads like a real boys. Or better yet, like a good action movie. truckers edge Jets constantly plays with cinematic images truckers edge evoked by chases and expensive champagne celebrations. He describes how the camera such a scene would approach, how the image would shift and would eventually zoom in on the actual taking of action. The characters seem to be aware of the cinematic references in their adventures. The VOWA name is an abbreviation of the names of the four leaders of the group, Mr. V, Mr. Ohm, Mr. Watt and Mr. Amp. Indeed, copied from Reservoir Dogs. A great moment is when one of the couriers themselves let slip that he sees life in a Bruce Willis movie itself.
Within this world of warmongers is Douwe clearly emerged as the intellectual. He would rather French arthouse truckers edge films than Hollywood blockbusters, does not give out money for an expensive dress maker but an antiquarian, and informs his co-drivers during rides on the history of the landscape they traverse. "It is remarkable how great the distance between your world and that of another truckers edge could be," he muses himself.
Douwes mathematical view of life gives the story an extra dimension. We see how he delights in his knowledge of the exact number of tiles in the bathroom, and how he calculates the future of VOWA using a mathematical approach. But his poetic disposition is only expressed his preference for arthouse films and Rilke. truckers edge When Douwe - the narrator in this story - actually a poet would be in life, the tone of the book would reflect this. That is not the case, and so undermines Rays somewhat characterization of Douwe as artistic spirit.
There are in this book so much smaller ambiguities that hit their goal much better. truckers edge There is the rugged Toni, who are neatly bound collection Donald Ducks hugs and a weakness for his cat Robbeltje. There is the scruffy bartender at the football club - also called 'Ouwe'-who always walks around in his inexplicable sweater from Trinity College Dublin. And Monica, which is clearly not sexually interested in Douwe but her 15 denier stockings and four-inch heels for him attracts. Kneuzigheid truckers edge
However, it is particularly kneuzigheid the VOWA company that puts things in focus. Despite all the money, violence and intimideringen, VOWA floats on a handful of untrained couriers sent to it by halfhearted trust basis a bag of money to exchange for a bag of "soaps." With an arbitrary password for a hotel Passes are hidden behind paintings, keys with gum stuck in an outlet. This indifference contrasts not only with the great interests at stake, but also stands in sharp contrast to the attention that the boys stabbing in managing their public toilet.
"Toilet sounded neat, almost genteel. Maybe I should call it crapper, shitter, latrine or poop box, but actually we all said toilet. You might think that you have made mockery as toiletboy that you make jokes about it, but we took our work seriously really amazing. "
Douwe constantly exploring how the toilets more welcoming, cleaner and ultimately more profitable can be made. The work he does for VOWA in comparison almost brainless. It is expressly forbidden to show initiative and he drives his rides if on autopilot. "Things just happened." Ambiguous
Through such ambiguities truckers edge Rays ensures that the attention of the reader never slackens. His style is here and there some hesitant, some passages are a bit clumsy, but overall it Tankstelle finely truckers edge written and it succeeds truckers edge to participate in the shadowy world of German drug couriers. The reader truckers edge The story that lingers on trips to different places truckers edge and with ve relatively long
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