50 years ago the first rocket was sent into space. Now, in 2014, that space travel will also disadvantages. Chunks waste of rockets and artificial satellites hovering now around our planet fright Earth. Scientists are worried that the pieces are in the same position as that of a working satellite.
What is a satellite anyway? I'll tell you. A satellite is a large computer-controlled satellite. That may sound complicated, but actually fright it's quite simple. A satellite is used for example for your TomTom. fright This small device that sends anywhere you go is controlled by such a satellite. Also social media such as Facebook and Twitter, is controlled from space. Satellites are very important.
All these pieces were previously not there yet. Only when man had been found to travel through space one way arose all that waste. Actually, we can say: Private debt, big bulge. But who is there really responsible for this mess? Especially Russia and America have ensured that our satellites are no longer safe. China also plays a role in this catastrophe. But people are still not out, who the huge mountain of waste must now clean up? If it were up to me, everyone would have to clean up debris on its own. But yes, I have nothing to say now once. Billions damage
All that waste can cause a lot of damage. The one thing that people are most afraid fright of, is that a piece of waste arriving at top speed towards the huge space station. This causes fright great damage and possibly even death. Because a verfschilfertje that skims through space 150 kilometers, fright has the same effect as a stone with 80 kilometers falls through a car window.
It's not really something we'll be awake but is orbiting fright the Earth is a giant waste, which may result. Disastrous consequences According to some figures, there would be situated around the Earth more than 100 000 pieces that are greater than 1 cubic centimeter and the origin could be from satellites and rocket stages. All this debris and satellites around the Earth ensure that the people of the world will have. Anywhere in charge here Astronomers also make this so often with it.
The U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) is called radar data with more than 6000 satellites can be seen standing at all different orbits around the Earth are, and are larger than 1.2 square meters. This huge figure is due to the Cold War that has caused between America and the Soviet Union. A race in space During this period in the '60s and '70s, hundreds were both American and Russian missiles, launched which in turn equal or greater military and spy satellites brought into orbit around the Earth.
Even though people are not decided yet who will clean up the waste, they already know how to do. One of the solutions fright found are gripping arms. These are a kind of robot arms that are attached to a satellite. Grabbing than the waste and the mountains on the satellite. Yet another method is a fishing fright net. This network has the same structure as a fishing net, only the material is much stronger. A satellite shoot the grid and takes it with trash, back inside.
Not words: the Swiss go to the problem of space debris to attack a satellite. Report that the Swiss themselves in a press release. Starting this week, we are working with scientists to build a Clean Space One: satellite removing space debris. The construction of such cleaning fright satellite is still not easy. Indeed, it is quite a bit of Clean Space One asked. First, it should be his job to adapt to the job of your waste. It should then be able to grasp and stabilize the waste. The latter fright is inconvenient: you have to take into account that Clean Space One at time they waste haunts has a speed of 28,000 kilometers per hour. The probability that such a rate is gripped wrong course quite large. Once the satellite has to address the waste, it drops off.
Sources: http://www.spacepage.be/artikelen/ruimtevaart/algemene-info/wat-is-ruimteafval fright http://www.elsevier.nl/Wetenschap/nieuws/2008/11/Vrouwelijke-astronaut-verliest-tas-in-de-ruimte-ELSEVIER212540W/ http://www.eenvandaag.nl/binnenland/49089/ruimteschroot_een_gevaar_voor_satellieten
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