There may not be subject vtulit companys if Th forgive heard somewhere that you can peresverlit hole disc 5/144, 3 on our native 5/100.Realno Does this possible what some sides (beats, lost strength)? Forging razsverlyat? Approximate issue price? companys Loved drives 5/144, 3 here and I think it worth to bother ... Thanks for earlier!
if there is only one porting is possible ... just made new holes near the strength ... of course becomes less, but a lot of what the wheels are sold directly from the dual porting ... there is another option to do another drill on hubs and Br. drives .... but it gemoroyno since this whole thing must be removed companys from the car ... or buy a new set ... and then there is another option with the manufacturer of adapter spacers .... but here drawback is that your fly izmenetsya -10 from your least ... but generally show what drives mapping ... maybe there is not worth doing a second drill ... there presverleno with 5h114.3 on 5h100 Stance, chill & friends society
yuristkonsult Megapisaka Povіdomlen: 1717 Priєdnavsya: Apr 2008 Khmelnytsky Octavia companys 1.8t (vtg)
Do not pretend to Stop іnstantsіyu, ale if kuplyav sobі wheels on the seller bozhivsya vechіrnyu kolisanku scho stink іz Subaru - porting the double 5/100 5/114.3 i Never be afraid companys to do what you can not do. Remember, the Ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the "Titanic."
(03-05-2012 12:07) Yuring: (03-05-2012 11:53) Grizzly: tsіkavy rozmіr 5/144, 3. UAZ? Likely error. Was supposed companys to be 5/114, 3 true little obshibsya 5/114, 3. All responded thanks for the help!
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