Sunday, June 15, 2014

(02-02-2014 21:18) EnzoFerrari: Just in regions with high humidity, the battery life is less. A Yal

(02-02-2014 19:09) evg1971s: Simple question: How much is (mileage or years) brake fluid? Put me - every two years (regardless of mileage) changed the brake fluid for cars where not changed for 12 years. Tormozuha - black, mirror on the piston and cylinder calipers small cavities (holes) but its function is still running. Itself is changed every 5-6 years. Color tormozuhi new and old almost otlichaetsya. With age tormozuhi - snizhaetsya boiling point (brake fluid is hygroscopic - that absorbs moisture, the more moisture in the lower temperature tormozuhe boiling as the water boils at 100 degrees, and more new tormozuha anhydrous 230 g). Besides the greater moisture in the brake fluid - the more it koroziynoaktivnaya.
(02-02-2014 20:08) evg1971s: Thank you, I'm just afraid that it has not changed me at all! And what external signs that it is time to type? Changed in the office. dealer price trivia question ... Skoda - Simply Clever
In order to understand it's time, or is it time to change the brake fluid. Zaedte any service where they can check it on your torm.zhidkost moisture content. There are special devices. Just in regions with high humidity, its lifetime is less.
(02-02-2014 21:18) EnzoFerrari: Just in regions with high humidity, the battery life is less. A Yalta just such a region. Therefore, any change at Eugene! O5O-17813OO. Yaroslav I drive by!
Skoda Club Ukraine forum / Avtomobіlchik / Obslugovuvannya that repair carriers / Tormozuha Mozhlivo skhozhі those ... Subject: Author Vіdpovіdey: Pereglyadіv: Ostannє Phil - what tormozuha? Bear 13 1 096 06-04-2012 12:47 Ostannє: Bear Tormozuha berimot 2643 29-09-2009 11:29 Ostannє: bboorryyss
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