Sunday, October 20, 2013

That is the message from Aalborg University, where students and tutors le container currently worki

It can from next year will be easier for vessels of large, le container high seas to signal to other ships and shore-based stations. New Danish space technology can also make it easier to find the ship and save lives when a ship sustain damage.
That is the message from Aalborg University, where students and tutors le container currently working hard to make the satellite AAUSAT3 finished. Better communication
Today communicate ships with other ships and stations on land by means such as AIS signals. AIS signals automatically sends information such. the name, position, course and speed, so that the recipient can quickly identify le container the signal and follow the movement of the ship. The technology will be used, for example around the Great Belt Bridge.
The problem with AIS signals is that they are moving shallow and maximum can reach 80 miles away from the coast. Therefore, land stations and ships, for example. around Greenland or in the middle of the Pacific Ocean often no connection to other devices.
"We will find out if you can receive signals from a satellite and send the information back so you can make monitoring from space. It is used both by ships and partly to SARO - Search And Rescue Operations - for today has no overview of what's going on out on the open water, "says Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen, Associate Professor of Automation and Control, Department of Electronic Systems and head of the AAU Student Space, which built the satellite from scratch. Many details le container
And they will find out how the satellite le container would manage to handle signals from ships that are in an area of about 2,000 km in diameter, which will be the satellite's field of view from space.
"Right now there is probably about 4,000 ships and sail around in northern Europe, and it is so many signals to listen to all at once. But we must be able to listen to them all together, "Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen.
The satellite will initially doing surveillance around Greenland. It is made in collaboration with the Canadian company COM DEV working le container with AIS technology, and is the third in a series of student satellites le container from Aalborg University. AAUSAT_II is still active in space. Test Launch from Sweden
Of Aalborg missing but just one detail before AAUSAT3 can take off on his mission. In early February, the to Holland to convince the European Space Agency that AAUSAT3 be sent up for 35 km altitude with balloon Bexus, le container which takes off from Northern Sweden immediately after the summer break. Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen expects to get a clarification from the ESA during le container the month of February.
Whether ESA say yes or no to test ride, it is planned that AAUSAT3 being sent up in 2010. By then it will be the fifth Danish-built le container satellite in space, since Ørsted satellite as the first were sent in 1999.
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