Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Because it is not difficult to spoof an AIS signal. The signal is not encrypted usps international

The company will also look for any drag tracks from an anchor that can help support our assumption that a particular ship dropped anchor at that place at that time.
The repair of the submarine cable will start as soon as possible, depending on weather and injury cable can not be earlier than repaired, tested and ready to go in Week 2 in 2013 - but it is not clear, usps international said press officer Jesper Nørskov Rasmussen Energinet. uk.
Energinet.dk is in contact with the suspects usps international ship and its insurance company. If it is an anchor who is to blame for the power outage, travel Energinet.dk claims. usps international The amount is still unknown.
Send See also Error Struck submarine turned usps international out the lights on Læsø the weekend 20 July 2009 Power outage on Læsø: Relay off to protect the power grid 22 July 2009 Corrupted usps international submarine cable to Bornholm is repaired: Read how 09 February 2010 Ship Anchor suspected of tearing power cable to Bornholm than 27 December 2012 Energinet.dk: We've found the culprit to power failure on Bornholm 27 December 2012 Read also
PS: very small vessels that are not AIS person has killed large enough anchors to rhyme a high-voltage cable that is flushed networks about.
Because it is not difficult to spoof an AIS signal. The signal is not encrypted usps international or signed. The only thing you need to do to in order to send out a false AIS signal usps international is to encode usps international it with a different ID and then feed it with the GPS positions you want it to sound. For the same reasons the Navy and Naval Home part time to identify ships and ensure that they match their AIS signal. SOK has large radars which can then follow the ships and check the AIS positions matching the ship's actual position.
@ Flemming Frøkjær It is true that the AIS signal can be falsified in several ways and otherwise do not need sent from a ship, but can be sent from example. a home or a car. It is unlikely that other than sneaks, read people with evil or nefarious intentions of continuing to forge an AIS signal.
My message was about easily and quickly find the likely source of cable damage. In a trial on liability will AIS information could be used as evidence along with other information - for example, a radar tracks usps international from the Navy maritime surveillance. As in any lawsuit, the total amount of evidence which the court must decide. And before the court has spoken, it is pure speculation what weight the various proofs will get. But I wonder if the data provided by AIS, radar and ship log (or lack of the latter) will weigh heavily?
PS: When surveillances generally (using seagoing units from the Navy and Marine Guard and the use of coastal lookout stations as well as technical equipment) ensures consistency between the actual ship and the reported information (AIS SHIPPOS, etc..) That have the same deterrent effect as police speed control: everyone knows it happens, usps international everyone knows there is a risk of discovery, usps international and you have probably limit cheating and abuse. Are they 100% safe? No. Is that good enough? I think so.
I think it would be fine to place the responsibility for the damage, but if you (like I) are more interested in Bornholm electricity - and the energy debate ...... I will just indsparke that Bornholm now for some time will fire with coal Østkraft - instead of as before to import approx. 30 MW from Swedish nuclear power. - A little usps international less when it blows. If we guess a month, usps international then it is about approx. 20 million kWh, which is now produced using approx. 9,000 tons of coal, which emits approx. 30,000 tonnes of CO2. Obviously twice as much, if going two months! Well, it's probably just an accident.
If we guess a month, then it is about approx. 20 million kWh, which is now produced using approx. 9,000 tons of coal, which emits approx. 30,000 tonnes of CO2. Obviously twice as much, if going two months! Well, it's probably just an accident. usps international
Hello Holger imagine that malicious river cables to Norway on and all the old coal-fired plants are scrapped in the turbine's name. Zero kulforurening. Pig housing and cities will smell foul some time but what space there is.
I think it would be fine to place the responsibility for the damage, but if you (like I) are more interested in Bornholm electricity - and the energy debate ...... I will just indsparke that Bornholm usps international now for some time will fire with coal Østkraft - instead of as before to import approx. 30 MW from Swedish nuclear power. usps international - A little less when it blows. If we guess a month, then it is about approx. 20 million kWh, which is now produced using approx. 9,000 tons of coal, which emits approx. 30,000 tonnes of CO2. Obviously twice as much, if going two months! Well, it's probably just an accident.
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