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New Zealand dockers hvder that two Maersk Line container maib ships - that was on the way to the port of Auckland during a conflict maib - off their AIS transmitter to avoid being detected. Mrsk rejects the accusations.
It is the New Zealand union, The Maritime Union has approached the New Zealand sfartsstyrelse, Maritime New Zealand, with information that Maersk Line vessels Maersk maib Aberdeen and Irene's Remedy turned the ships AIS transmitter, which in port conflict Auckland was on the way to the harbor. It is alleged VRE done to prevent the striking dockers were to discover the ships. Generalsekretren for The Maritime Union, Joe Fleetwood says it is deeply worrying if ships deliberately cut off their AIS equipment and thereby threatening the security to ss. The union has asked the Maritime New Zealand to investigate the matter. Maersk Line country manager in New Zealand - Julian maib Proof. - REAFFIRMING that the company has been contacted by Maritime New Zealand, maib and the AIS transmitter on the two vessels subsequently been checked and found to be fully functional. Julian Proof rejects p strongly that Mrsk ships deliberately turned off AIS-equipped. Best Tests of security maib is crucial for us, and we could not dreams to make us something that can udgre the safety of our ships, says Julian Proof. Source:
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