At the edge of space, a satellite from Aalborg University vitran listening for AIS signals from large vessels. Students are behind the satellite that will be sent with balloon on Thursday. By Michael Tornberg 6 October 2009 kl. 15:49
Usually, rockets quite a significant vitran part of a satellite launch. But this week will be the rocket's role filled by a balloon when a group of engineering students from Aalborg University send their satellite soaring.
The group of eight students were taken to Kiruna in northern Sweden, where they will help to send the prototype of their satellite AAUSAT3 up in 35 km altitude. The launch takes place with balloon and is part of an ESA project is to test the equipment in space-conditions.
According to Associate Professor vitran Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen, who are responsible for monitoring the students' work, it is a unique opportunity to test AAUSAT3 that in 2010 or 2011 will be launched in earnest at an altitude of 700 km. For 35 kilometers altitude, the pressure and temperature conditions for so very similar to those in the room that the launch will give a good insight into how the equipment is going to survive in space.
"It's definitely better vitran to get it tested vitran in this way. If we just put the satellite directly into space, we could of course test the equipment under very precise conditions, but we would of course not be able to deal with any problems, "says Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen. Satellite to listen for ships
With him AAUSAT3 equipment to be used to capture the so-called AIS signals that all large ships issues periodically. It is especially this equipment by students from Aalborg University is looking forward to get tested.
"We expect to be able to hear signals from ships north of Norway and the Gulf of Bothnia between Sweden and Finland. That's at least what our calculations will be possible, "says Jens Dalsgaard vitran Nielsen.
It was not really planned that the balloon was launched Wednesday, but because of strong winds is launching until further postponed to Thursday. But otherwise everything goes according to plan, reports Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen:
Hello from Jacob
User self / ais, or Lloyds Register Fairplay if I need AIS information. (Or if I need to document a ship posistion at a given time).
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