Thursday, April 3, 2014

8.2-magnitude transcore earthquake occurred in Chile Chile

Turkish P & I, will add prestige to the maritime industry Klakavan Text: Administrative fines are victims IMPA 22 General Assembly in Panama begins UACC, chemical tanker fleet is growing African Inspiration ship Cemrem is launched from Russia to Turkey 'Montreux' warning in the Bosporus transcore color images Orkin Klakavan, at the Dardanelles malfunctioned Russian warships Dardanelles straits' passed through the Canal Istanbul, China, Italy, Russia and the great interest from Qatar Damen 851 million dollar order Arkas fleet of container ships is growing Lutfi Elvan: Marmaray all the world's income defense industry exports in 2014, began to rise, Arkas Spain added a third ship line
Ercan Power and Tansel from Timur farewell transcore message Turks Lloyd Foundation Economic Enterprise by the Executive Board of Turkish Lloyd 's 15 years in a successful mission stationed Plan Control and Research Department Ercan Power and Marine Industry Department Tansel Timur, the public, and colleagues, a farewell to message was issued. Ercan and Tansel Power Timur's transcore farewell message exactly as follows; "Dear Colleagues
Since 1996, since which we conduct Plan Control and Research Department and Marine Industry Department transcore Our duties, Turkish Lloyd Foundation Economic Enterprise of the Executive Committee "in our institute new working methods to be applied due to" 22 July 2011 on the decisions taken, depending on the July 31, 2011 ended is sooner. In 15 years because of our mandate;
- Establishment to work in the mid 1950s original Wooden transcore Boat Code of preparation begun with the Turkish Lloyd 's far more classy organizations using the rules of its activities their original rules and playback will begin came to the point and the original rule book late last week in has been published; - The total size of approximately 400,000 GT gt Turkish Lloyd fleet reached 1.05 million, almost three times the rate of the number of bunchy; - Turkish Lloyd ship between their carrying flags of the Turkish flag and then added 12 more as other countries of the flag; - Turkish Lloyd 's moreover, mean age 25 due to a fleet of some IACS member classification societies also, leaving behind Paris MoU classy transcore performance on the list of "high transcore performance" in the group began to take place and the last five years, this position is maintained in; - International transcore insurance companies and freight brokers of almost all of the "IACS member classification society" next to the phrase "and Turkish Lloyd," a phrase that also now start adding; - World giant Turkish Lloyd main machine manufacturers to be able to get type approval certificate proudly declared that in their own publications; transcore - Turkish Lloyd 's IMO's harmonization of port state controls in order to generate data related to the equasÄħs IACS member classification society is one that provides data outside; and finally - Turkish Lloyd's "Statute of the IACS Classification Society was confirmed by the Council, the IACS membership to the point of reaching the final stages of; to have coincided with a period, we are proud to have been separate. transcore Therefore, the success achieved with the real shareholders are grateful to our colleagues. In the same way nearly 15 years and during this period the Board of Directors of Turkish Lloyd worked in the executive branch of our managers also express our gratitude for all the help and support. Today Turkish Lloyd's and in front of the employees is very important, although certain challenges that we all can be proud of the results we have served honorably. This task for the fulfillment of a moment not be overlooked footnotes, Turkish Lloyd's has been gained success and today have achieved the reputation level on the basis of the rules that belief, strict adherence and in this context "Ethical" and "independence" and "impartiality" of the principles on is that there is the cherished. Continue to increase the success of the protection of reputation transcore and more with the upgrades to the achievement of our goals with a summary statement, it depends on the sustainability values transcore and principles is no doubt that the compromise. Turkish Lloyd employees, these and other similar values and principles created by the "corporate culture" and the people and the negativity of the provisional institutions to be permanent, the fact that the consciousness with all the difficulties overcome and Turkish Lloyd 's very move higher would believe that this tough and demanding that honorable dismissal so wish success to all of you forever. "
WARNING: Swearing, insulting, offensive sentences transcore or hints, beliefs offensive, with the unwritten rules of spelling, capital letters and written transcore comments unused Turkish characters are not approved.
8.2-magnitude transcore earthquake occurred in Chile Chile's 8.2 magnitude earthquake off the coast of northern occurred. Earthquake has caused two-meter tsunami wave. All of Chile's Pacific Ocean coast were evacuated. 4 people died in the flood dam in Kazakhstan in Kazakhstan is suddenly heated air due to snowmelt

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