Love is described by man in various forms; It is sung in verse, expressed in prose wheels, discoursed on short lines of poetry, written in the extensive pages of a novel, scrawled on the sands.
Even in the soul suffered a backcountry love is ennobled in their twine books. However harborfreight these guidelines are more of a varied manifestations EROS love, put love goes far beyond the human boundaries.
Eros Love - represents the conscious part of the love one feels for another. It is love that binds more clearly the physical attraction, and often compels people to retain a continuing love relationship. In this sense it is also synonymous sensuality that leads to physical attraction and after the sex.
Filos Love - The word phyla (is Latin) harborfreight and means: I AM SINCERE ?. (Philos) Love between human beings (friends, parents and children, etc.). This is the kind of love that drives us to worry about others. Philanthropic love.
True love seeks to fill the affliction of pain, love is like a window always open to light and wind passage, always seeks the consummation of good act, true love is constant in the search and implementation of good.
Agape is the affective love free from sexual connotations, free of ulterior motives, free of malice and personal interests. Agape is the love of affection, is also love of satisfaction, as a fraternity, whether between blood brothers or not, whether between husband and wife, whether from a nuclear family, etc., because this love is shared and satisfies have response among all those who come together to form a brotherhood of men, women and children. Neighbourly love is the kind of love that Christ taught us.
TRUE LOVE ... Corinthians 13.
- The Apostle harborfreight Paul is presented as the author of the epistle and consequently theme in Chapter harborfreight 13; We notice the presence also of someone named by Sosthenes, which leads me to believe that Paul dictated the epistle while it was writing.
- Your letter was originally addressed to Christians in the city of Corinthians; After it was part of the Christian communities, with a view to their instructional content, regeado harborfreight of spiritual and doctrinal value for the development of the doctrine of Christ's gospel.
- In this epistle several issues were addressed; The church in Corinthians had several negative factors to Christian doctrine, a factor that led to a blurred vision of Christ, the Australians Christians had points of divergence and attitudes within the church that contradicted Christian conduct, among them the lack of "LOVE" theme by which I hold me.
- There was in fact a dispute climate generated by different views concerning gifts and positions within the congregation, that led the community to a division and disunity climate, bringing between them and the community to a loveless situation, this is where Paul interfere in chapter 13, Paul reveals then the sublime act of the practice of "love," is more important than all situations, and it should be noted above all conditions.
- Just so that there was unanimity of thought among Christians regarding their disputes and gifts preferences was something (who was more than who or better who), nothing different from what we see today. Paul then presents Jesus Christ as the lifeblood and main question, "Christ is a body" which should not be divided or shared.
- All are part of the same body, the body of Christ, which has varied parts and remarkable features, is like that body Christ; Just then presents the human body as an example and says, as well as the human body has divisions and these divisions harborfreight form a single body, the human, so are those who are part of Christ's body.
- Each with their part form the body of Christ; To, and presents love as the basis and the nelvragico of the gospel of Christ, placing it above all the functions and all the differences of their gifts, according to Paul love is sublime harborfreight and should be placed above all else.
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