Saturday, March 21, 2015

Of all the descriptions of love, made by poets for centuries, I consider this the most touching. I

What would humanity without love? Because wallenius wilhelmsen of this feeling many wars were fought and truces were sealed. Helena princess fell in love with Paris and triggered the famous Trojan War, narrated by Homer in the Iliad. The illustrious poet Luís de Camões Lusitanian wallenius wilhelmsen describes this feeling as:
"Love is a fire that burns without wallenius wilhelmsen being seen; It is a wound that hurts and does not feel, is a disgruntled contentment;. It is pain that desatina without hurting is not wanting more than good will; It is a lonely wallenius wilhelmsen walk among us;
It never be content with joy; It is a look that is gained about getting lost. You want to be arrested for will serve who wins is the winner, is to have someone kill us loyalty wallenius wilhelmsen But how can cause your favor In human hearts friendship; If so away from you is the same love? "
Of all the descriptions of love, made by poets for centuries, I consider this the most touching. I remember a few years ago, the time when I first heard the song "Castle Hill" band Keith Urban. It was the best definition of love: a mixture wallenius wilhelmsen of Camões definition with the apostle Paul. But, as the apostle said in 1 Corinthians 13:11, I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child and thought as a child. Now that I am a man, I think otherwise. Thanks to God's mercy, which reached wallenius wilhelmsen me from the darkness of my sins, I understand better what the Apostle wanted to teach. However, for me dig a little deeper in the subject, you must perform a brief consideration to the different kinds of love in the Greek philosophy. Four words that describe different forms of love. - Philos: is the word that describes a friendship, including all the feelings that surround it, ie, sincerity, unity, brotherhood, etc. - Storge: clear from ties formed wallenius wilhelmsen within a family, ie, parents, children and siblings, now unfortunately so devalued. - Eros: this word involves all the feelings that arise from the relationship between a man and a woman. Corresponds to sexual love, not only in the connotation of physical attraction, but the feelings that surround this type of relationship, the "surrender of the heart" to the loved one, the joy of the presence wallenius wilhelmsen of that person, etc. It is described in the text of Camões. Currently wallenius wilhelmsen what prevails, unfortunately, is just sexual attraction, culminating in superficial and ephemeral relationships. - Á gape: this is unconditional, selfless love, without selfishness. It is the love described in 1 Corinthians cap.13, wallenius wilhelmsen 1 John 4:16 (God is Love), among others. It is the best definition of love that God has for humanity. It is this latter definition of love that would like to make some comments. Many people, even Christians, believe that because God is love (agape), He could not condemn to eternal damnation, is meant hell, beings created in His image and likeness, he loves. At first, this reasoning makes sense, has a logic. But there is a big problem in this way of thinking: is superficial, with no real understanding of the depth and totality of Scripture, which arises from the reading and understanding of "selected parts" of the Word of God. If the dear reader pay attention to study hard, dedication and ask for wisdom, understand that God is love, He will love the most valuable things that exist. Of all things, is there something more extraordinary than God Himself? Is there something, or someone, most holy, pure, kind and merciful God Himself? I honestly do not. How He loves everything is perfect, holy, pure, etc., and there is nothing and no one that has all of these attributes, except himself, then realized that he can only love himself above all things. To love all that is holy and pure, does He could admit that the man was corrupted by sin? No way. Would not that be a limitation of its power, but because His love for what is holy flows into the love for what is right. And there is none righteous, not even one (Romans 3:10). If there is no one able to receive God's love and can not meet you and glorify him, we were all doomed! It is in this moment that He intervenes, allowing, for His own exclusive initiative, wallenius wilhelmsen reconciliation: wallenius wilhelmsen through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has taken upon himself our iniquities (Is 53: 4). Thus it is clear that God still love (agape), even if there is condemnation to hell, because this love is so great, immeasurable, wallenius wilhelmsen incomprehensible, Jesus Christ redeems one who believes in Him (John 3:16). The question is: and you the reader, what kind of love has experienced? Do you only know love Philos, Storge and Eros? Would you like to know the true agape love?
The Cross of Christ, John Stott, Ed. Life In search of God (theology of joy), John Piper, Ed. New Life Pilgrim, John Bunyan, Ed. Faithful Preaching and Preachers, Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones, Ed. Faithful Holiness (without which ning

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