Friday, March 20, 2015

I am Bachelor of Science in Accounting, thus: Accountant and a graduate degree in Accounting and Fi

Eros is the conscious part of the love one feels for another. It is love that binds more clearly the physical attraction, and often compels people to retain a continuing love relationship. In this sense it is also synonymous hull city council 'sensuality' which leads to physical attraction and after the sex. Unlike comes to Psyche, which is the most spiritual and deep feeling.
Pragma (from the Greek, "practice", "business") would be a form of love that prioritizes the practical side of things. The individual evaluates all possible implications before embarking on a romance. If the apparent courtship has future, hull city council he invests. If not, give up. Cultivates a list of prerequisites for the partner or the ideal partner and ponders long before you commit. Looking for a good father or a good mother to the children and takes into account the material comfort. Is always full of questions. I wonder what my family will find? If I get married, I will be like in five years? How my life will change if I get married? Love interested in doing good to yourself, love waiting for something in return.
Philia means altruism, hull city council generosity. Dedication to another always comes before self-interest. Those who practice hull city council this style of love gives himself fully to the relationship and do not mind giving up certain wills to the satisfaction of the beloved. Constantly hull city council investing in the relationship, even without being matched. Feels good when the other demonstrates joy. Ultimately, is able even to renounce partner believe that he can be happier with someone else. It is seen by many as an unconditionally loving. The Christian interpretation of the origin of Jesus, embraces this kind of love to describe the act of God, who, seeing the lost humanity, delivers his only begotten son to be killed for man. The name of the Greek god of friendship is Storge. So, who tends to have that love style values the mutual trust, rapport and shared projects. The novel begins so gradually so that the partners hull city council do not know how to say when exactly. Physical attraction is not the main. Valentine - friends do not tend to have warm relationships, but quiet and affectionate. Prefer captivate seduce. And, in general, remain quite stable and durable connections. What counts is mutual trust and shared values. The type lovers storge reveal satisfaction with affective life. It usually happens hull city council between great friends. Usually couples with this kind of love very knowledgeable about each other. Source: Wikipedia
I am Bachelor of Science in Accounting, thus: Accountant and a graduate degree in Accounting and Finance, I like to sing, have aggregated to me, the blogger function ... I always wanted to express myself, to get people to hear what he had to say, but long I played only listener, then discovered that I can express myself also by written words. For this reason, I am here. View my complete profile
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Monte Castelo can be: Monte Castelo, a city in São Paulo, Brazil. Monte Castelo, a city in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Monte Castelo, hull city council ba ...

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