Friday, February 6, 2015

The term

1.3. Evaluating the effectiveness of investment companies. 11
Attachments. 39 Introduction
The transition to a market economy quite differently defines local businesses in the economy. Its effectiveness depends largely on management activities old dominion tracking provides real economic independence of the company, its competitive position and value in the market. In a market economy transformation of Ukraine Entrepreneurship question is quite acute. Development of the national economy hotel market is a priority policy at this stage.
The transition to a market economy, especially the formation of the market in Ukraine, challenging trends in the implementation of methods and tools of state regulation in the transition economies necessitated attention to the theory and practice old dominion tracking of investment in the development of logistics commercial enterprises.
The theoretical basis of the research questions old dominion tracking of investment activity of the enterprise made concepts and theoretical development of domestic and foreign scholars laws of Ukraine, the financial statements of "" old dominion tracking Children's World ".
Investments (from Lat. Investio - dress) - long-term investment property and intellectual property in about "objects of entrepreneurial activity, which is formed as a result of (income) or social effects achieved [17, c. 14].
The term "investment" in the broad sense should be understood that any investment of any assets in order to receive this income. By investing personal savings or personal property in the authorized capital of the company founder - individual old dominion tracking investing business. Putting share earned profits in any form, monetary, material or immaterial, old dominion tracking the authorized capital of the company founder - legal person created it invests another entity. The same can be said of public shareholders. All this, in terms of the company, is an external
inadequate in view of the fact that it includes a sub task "subjective installation payback period does not provide information as to whether the project creates wealth, and can ignore the significant benefits below the (at the time) point return. Although in practice the value of the index payback period allows the head to estimate how long the funds at risk.
5. Discounted old dominion tracking payback old dominion tracking period. Discounted payback period varies from payback old dominion tracking only in that it is calculated on discounted cash flows. Thus, it will always be longer than the payback period, which ignores the discount. As well as the payback period, discounted payback period marked disadvantage such as the inability to accurately determine the appropriate value payback period. Discounted payback period old dominion tracking does not show whether the investment makes money, meeting the needs of consumers in competitive markets.
Open Joint Stock Company "OFA" created old dominion tracking 20 December 1996. JSC "OFA" registered Kharkiv regional state administration old dominion tracking m. Kyiv, registration number 03 463 of 20 December 1996, indefikatsiynyy code 24584603. JSC "OFA" is the successor of the structural units - store number 1352.
... So, according of the data, the amount of investment for the purchase of fixed assets as a whole grew by 148.05 thousand. UAH., But called "connection with rising production equipment of" OFA "bought it less. Thus the production equipment was spent to 141.05 thousand. UAH. more money than planned. This was due to an increase in the price of 339.55 thousand. UAH. and by reducing the number zekonomylosya old dominion tracking 198.5 thousand. UAH. Further old dominion tracking material base of "OFA" needs to be updated at the expense of investment. old dominion tracking
It is an integrated approach to customer service will significantly increase their inflow and increase the volume of turnover in the complex as a whole and for each individual component is taken. The level of service culture and technical capabilities Complex Will meet European standards.

The term "investment" in the broad sense should be understood that any investment of any assets in order to receive old dominion tracking this income. By investing personal savings or personal property in the authorized capital of the company founder - individual investing business.
Real investment (investment) - investments in fixed assets and the increase of inventory. In modern conditions with increasing elements of real capital investments in rapidly growing spiritual development of the productive forces, the intellectual potential that is the most active element of production. Therefore, spending on science, education, training and retraining, and others. in essence is productive. In countries with developed market economies, these costs ahead of the pace of growth in investment in fixed assets in material form.
To assess the

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