Usually, it comes to what proponents album, I'm always looking, checking and examining whether this kind of a bad bargain, God forbid, or not. Comes to the album of Lipa, the feeling is different. This is a feeling I know going to be a fun experience. It comes a great musician, who can make any song a bit humorous and interesting, the covers are not boring, brevard nc and my nose, "fishing" in my mind what it hit a new weddings. In other words - Lipa never be bored, even if it's an album project. Another interesting finding in this Lipa, if we notice, the First and Second, and songs, will never be the same, all the while working on how to change the song in several variations. The new album, uses Lipa several types of music (pop, advocates, electro, rock and emotion) next several languages (Hebrew, English and Yiddish), claiming he was trying, everyone will be satisfied, and Simnc - "Jewish point", ie "Das Fintala". Album responsible staff first class, including processors Naftali Schnitzler (scout rare in Jewish Music World), Joshua Freed, Robbie Bennett, and Eli Yosef, brevard nc and musicians - who Pedy, Shai Bachar, father Avidani, lion and Doenitz, father Singolda and more. Of course all responsible Lipa tunes himself. The album opens with a rhythmic dance song named "face to your name", arranged by Naftali Schnitzler. After going through the song Angel (Angel), a poem in which he describes the angels keep us from anywhere. Any more songs caught my ears are "palm palm" - a duet with chorus "Kinderlach", a song that reminded me a little poem by Jackson in the late 90s about us they 'll do not "care", especially the opening. "Lord of all joy" - a song based on prayer rates Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. "Peace-loving" - try to at least the song become brevard nc infected Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace, a world filled with politics, slander brevard nc and gossip (from the introduction brevard nc of Lipa song). "You for taking", brevard nc "Where is your beard" (where your beard?), brevard nc Nice dance song, inside there is a beautiful song, "Do not judge a book based on the cover." "It is time of redemption" (relax, not of Ghazal) - Song followers of my wedding, and "and sanctify." In summary, brevard nc this is an album full of positive energy, and gives a great atmosphere Blhthds While proponents nice album.
Tags: Lipa Schmeltzer, Lipa Schmeltzer, Lipa, Jewish point, Point Judith, face to your name, do not look at the pitcher, Naftali Schnitzler, Naftali brevard nc Schnitzler, Joshua Freed, brevard nc Robbie Bennett, Eli Yosef, brevard nc Singolh, with me Sitbon, record Music, Tomer Cohen, Avi Blumenthal, column, Micro Music, Music Review, a new album, music Hasidic Jewish Music, Music, Music, Tomer Cohen PR, torrent album, Acoustic Audit, music Lipa Schmeltzer - Jewish point record with me Sitbon Music "class =" newWindows "title =" Share via FaceBook! "> Peak Music"); ' title = "Bookmark this page"> Peak Music & annotation = "class =" newWindows "title =" Add this page to Google! "> Peak מיוזיק&body=http://' title = "Send this page by e-mail!">
Great singers: Six 13-year-old Israeli father Avi Gassner Aviad Gil Avraham Fried Aaron Razel Udi Davidi Ohad Simches Itzik Orlev Itzik Eshel Itzik Dadia Eli Gerstner me Eliezer Friedman Elad fortified gate Benny Elbaz Aryeh Kunstler Benjamin Landau Baruch Levine Rio Hakshouri (Baryo) Gabriel sturdy Gad Elbaz Age Akibayov David Gabay guys live viable steps Israel Yair Gadassi Yehuda Dim Yehuda Chick Yonatan Razel Yuval Tayeb Yossi Green Yosef Chaim Shwekey Joseph Karduner Yeedle Yaniv Ben Mashiach Yaakov Shwekey Area Boys Band Werdyger Israel Lipa Schmeltzer Medad rest Tessa new singing choir MBD Vach Family Naftali Kalfa Matisyahu Adi Ran Sinai Tor Amir Benayoun Ido Portal Amiran Dvir Miami Boys Kobi Oz Kinderlach friend Shuli Rand Roy Shibi Keller Gartner flame Shlomi Cohen Shlomi Taussig entire chain chain Jr.
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