Monday, December 1, 2014

11/28/2014 Stop with creative solutions to Oosterweel, please decide ittsa

150 anxious Borger Houtenaren came to listen to an information ittsa meeting on the future of East Park Spoor. Antwerp ships Urban Development Rob Van De Velde (N-VA) went for the first time in dialogue ittsa with the residents about the plans for the land and the coming of the Sinksenfoor. ittsa
"Here you have talked a lot to finally say enough," someone summed up the evening ittsa together. The residents ittsa asked specific questions about the arrival of the carnival and the use of the site for other events. "Both the city and see the district from major events such Studay on Park Spoor East," Van de Velde soothed tempers.
Starting about other issues remained remarkably ships on the plain. Van De Velde repeatedly stressed that the meeting was a starting point to think along with the residents about the future of the 10.5 acres that can be completed at Park East Rail. Yet the decisions that have already taken the biggest concern of local residents. ittsa Thus there without their participation concluded an agreement with the SNCB to let the Sinksenfoor from 2015 for the next three years at the site. There was also already approved a zoning change by the college in the GRUP, so that the site during the work on the BAM route can serve as a parking lot for the Sportpaleis. ittsa "I could not help but begin to take decisions", said Van De Velde. ittsa
The relocation of the Sinksenfoor is indeed still incomplete. The new location is perhaps found, but the fairground will not agree here, as they have demonstrated during the blockade several weeks ago. (MGB / PHT) The Latest News 06-05-2014 p. 17
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11/28/2014 Stop with creative solutions to Oosterweel, please decide ittsa '
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07/22/2014 Oosterweel ittsa breakpoint or not Open VLD?
02/13/2014 What EIA learn Flemish Government and us: a summary
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