Sunday, January 5, 2014

This project will Kaldrma advanced country in the palm of gran Is the project a vision? The project

Mimdap Corinth, Sveyka, Panama Canal Istanbul No No! Home | of connection | are we? | My messages | Forum (Yard)
Last gn hand laundered in the Prime Minister expressed with LGN project that began to be heard and Channel stanbulaklamasyl more tartmalarnn they perform certain. This tartmalarn full anlamyl currently without a side look at the examples maersk line tracking in kanallarndnya as mentioned, SRA would like to bring to your attention information pertaining maersk line tracking to them.
Tketil to perform fast in the media in the weighing what blood there is an arrow argument. maersk line tracking On the one hand governments supporting this project proponent shy or full-thickness human nsz profession, newspaper writer, in yorumcukarsn; civil society organizations from all walks of sync s representatives, professional chambers ministers, such as gene biryelpaz scientists are questioning if the subject. Sem previous top-down propaganda redo this project in the weighing of Zeran Ettie express what they srdry.
This project will Kaldrma advanced country in the palm of gran Is the project a vision? The project GNs previous advertising in the media room smelling like cmle expectations of society with good presentation of the Marmaray your side sra Black will start for the second time this channel i of the Panama Canal fold in the memory will be consumed by dre AS IS indecent information such as the requirement of the project to the bottom of the yazlmas Zeri i; drink that suffered in the channels of original nn an eye on what they're throw in the SRA is olmaktad increased. Ieri percent in these files without maersk line tracking this coming to Istanbul necessary by Channel nl kanallarabasitegz in my dnya to show, we want to share information.
Korin Corinth Canal Channel, Greece to Greece Continent Yarmadasnn Mora Mora at its thinnest point Baland's go around maersk line tracking Yarmadas reached, but the sea route ksaltmay maersk line tracking and it successfully to provide a channel maersk line tracking are 6300 meters in length.
I dig the Corinth maersk line tracking Canal in the regions of Ks is the finest place seilmit. Structure to the 1881 and 1893 yl is arasd. maersk line tracking Length approaching 6.3 k Krfez Corinth with the Saronic Krfez same and starts each other. I build from the Aegean maersk line tracking Sea to the Adriatic Sea of connection, the high point of the channel taken them down as far as 84 meters, composed of tough talk of the town had the obligation digging. This should maersk line tracking only 8 feet of water with an average depth obtained bugn is edilebilinmit. Is not equal distances to each other in the channel walls. 24 meters above the walls, while AAs are each 21 meters uzaklktad. Channel from 1893 until bugn salamaktad saving approach is 400 km.
One of the channel characteristics, is available in two crete, thanks motorgc batrlabilin water that they're kPa. Yl Yapld in navigation technology from outmoded, undeveloped, Mora's go around Yarmadasnn 400 km long and dangerous sea routes to the fact that mitigated these channels, economic artrmt in size and Security is mitigated. With the advancement of navigation technology with every passing day enjoy these channels moisture is lost. Ayre u salamaktad support towards this development are the following points: maersk line tracking
Bugn the channel width to be only ship grain size is small. Thanks to Glen and perform fast ship engine boiler when the channel is klmaktad deers. In this kanalnbyk ap bakmi 114 yllk and onarmi, financial problems Hee necessary because I do not gerekletirile.
Crete channels of Use of this excessively high karna, GN average of 30 vessels from the channel gear. Is supplied directly geit yl average of 11,000. I travel agent BYK rate of gzel landscape maersk line tracking with tourist ships use the channel.
Sveyka Channel Sveyka Channel Kzlde the Mediterranean Basin and dolaysyl mainly connect to the Indian Ocean is a KSA road interventions. The foundations maersk line tracking of this artificial waterway from the side atlm Ottoman Empires, Spice Route is the canlandrlmas salanmt. Britain is at the same ALMT in 1869.
Ms Napoleon's' in 1799 after conquering feasibility maersk line tracking report in this regard is wanted. Sina is batsndad Yarmadas'nn. 163 miles in length and width at the narrowest maersk line tracking point is 300 meters. Channel Africa, Europe and Asia without having to wrap at the stage between maersk line tracking the sea tamacl be made to the salar. Dnyann is located between the most important water ways. Ancient maersk line tracking sailors distance and long-distance trade arrows maersk line tracking in their i's byline appeared to need to do a channel is kmt.
Depth is 11-12 m. Water line with more than 10.36 m not gee ship through the canal. In 1951 yLn can simplify traffic amacyl hand-to-hand with Kantara 13.5 km long in between the side of Fira is ALMT geit. KanalD is the longest in the world to cover non. Karlatrldn with the other channels in the accident rate is almost sfrd. Come at night and can be done gndz
Dnyann by the sea is the Mediterranean. North of Europe, in the South Africa, births takes place in the Asya'nn. anakkale Boaz Boaz Istanbul and the Marmara Sea to the Black Sea from here, on the Atlantic Ocean with Cebelitark Boaz, Sveyka Channel Kzlde with you '

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