Friday, May 15, 2015

The second part of the book is devoted to the words of Shams Tabrizi in which he issues statements

The second part of the book is devoted to the words of Shams Tabrizi in which he issues statements estes trucking about human beings, about others, about their stories, their idealism, aphorisms and humor come. The third part of the book lists, signs of the abbreviation, is the sources.
The third line of the book written by the doctor, Nasser al-Shams begins Sahebalzamani. A book about the characters, words and ideas is Shams. In the beginning of the most important books written in Persian about Shams, three is:
1) Baha Sultan Valad (712 623 AH / 1312 AD 1226), Masnavi son or son of a correction glory Conference, Tehran, 1315. Rumi's son Sultan Valad, which, Shams has seen his father's life and his encounter with Shams and Rumi wrote.
This total is composed of ten chapters. Yazyjy Each chapter also has clauses individually numbered. Shams is a four-season history. Hence all quotes from Aflaki virtues, for example, is thus satisfied. Aflaki work in 718 AH / 1318 AD and is the beginning of his contemporaries and his son, Sultan Valad, is.
3) Fereydoun bin Ahmed generalissimo, a treatise on civil Rumi, correct Saeed Nafisi, Iqbal Library, Tehran, 1325. Generalissimo in the paper between 729 719 AH / 1328 AD, written in 1319, and the mystics is that of his mentor personally understand. Quote of the generalissimo in the Sphsar 131, the paper Fereydoun generalissimo, Iqbal published 131 page content is exquisite.
What is the source of these moral qualities, character and understanding Shams useful life has been chosen and will have to rebuild it to your reader, more or less, in the course of life from the beginning to be shams.
The second part of the book is devoted to the words of Shams Tabrizi in which he issues statements about human beings, about others, about their stories, their idealism, aphorisms and humor come. The third part of the book lists, signs of the abbreviation, is the sources.
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