Saturday, January 10, 2015

This decision has the potential to bring the country a small number of IT professionals. Accelerate


Technology and IT professionals will be able to get a visa to the UK in an expedited process, as long as they are set to "leading talent", declared over the weekend British Prime Minister David Cameron. The Register reports that a senior technology experts will be added to the track "exceptional talent" accelerated obtaining a visa, designed to "people internationally contain recognized as leaders" in their field.
This decision has the potential to bring the country a small number of IT professionals. Accelerated track designed so far leading experts in the field of science and art, which were confirmed by the official organizations such as the Royal Academy contain of Engineers or the Arts Council. The current limit is about a thousand confidential until April of next year.
Cameron added that the British government will fund "innovative contain business" in the amount of 15.5 million pounds will be invested on behalf of its Technology Strategy Board (Technology Strategy Board). The amount will be distributed to competition research and development that will provide 12.5 million pounds and three other competitions that will give 1 million pounds each One for groups such as Tech City in London and health technology (healthcare tech) in Wales.
Simultaneously published in the annual report of the digital collective. The report shows that the number of technology companies in London grew by 76% between 2009 to 2012 and now stands at more than -88 thousand. In addition, the sector grew 16.6%. Cameron praised the Tech City and crowned him I've managed real "program was part of the British government to make the world's best 'place to build and nurture contain its business".
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