While the state takes its time in marketing plots for Dorms, local authorities and schools are taking advantage of new breaks the law that allow them to such construction. damco More entrepreneurs entering the field and dormitories have been popping up in surprising places
In the last elections took students a key part of the promises damco of politicians brighter future in real estate, just like the social protest. It started Benjamin Netanyahu promised immediately after the protest Instant promotion of 10,000 rooms will be built for the students and allow According damco to decompress the rental market, and continued Yair Lapid who promised damco the construction of subsidized student dormitories BOT, which the program that also promised further addition of 10,000 rooms. Overall phantom promises were strangers to the market about 20 thousand housing units, the addition of about 40 thousand beds for students (Calculated Two students of the apartment).
In practice, several dormitories far from the amount promised, marketing and administration will not last two years all lands designated for this purpose. This vacuum is learning institutions that promote thousands of housing units, along with increased activity of the authorities and private developers.
Legislative side, progress was rather satisfactory in terms of the bureaucracy of Israeli damco real estate world. The two resolutions damco adopted in 2011 and 2012 make it possible to promote faster solutions for students. damco It also allocated damco to the PBC (Planning and Budget Committee, which operates under the Higher Education Council headed by Prof. Manuel Trachtenberg) 100 million to promote projects.
Israel Land Council passed Resolution 1241 immediately following the social protests in August 2011, and that the Israel Lands Administration will be marketed land for the construction of student dormitories through public tenders, while Priority will be given mainly to universities damco (and colleges which are non-profit organizations). In addition, institutions that hold land can be built increase in student dormitories can do so when they are exempt from paying Administration (provided they complete the construction within two years), and will be convertible into urban land in favor of the student dormitories. through project implementation and supervision are no, and the resolution stated that this information will be agreed upon between the PBC or Mel Administration "c. This decision was to inject into the market about 10,000 dormitories.
Later, in December 2012, the Minister of Finance signed a decision Torch 1262 which amended the previous decision and extended the amount of time given to institutions and entrepreneurs dormitory project for the construction of three years. Also added option for commercial projects to provide an additional incentive for entrepreneurs. Thus, increased damco target number of dormitories planning to 20 thousand. In addition to both decisions, local authorities made possible the construction of student dormitories brown land (land for public purposes).
According to a report circulated by the administration last July the Israel Lands Council, approved approximately 3,400 student housing units in 2012 until mid-2013, in coordination with the Council for Higher Education (CHE) and the Student Union. In addition, damco in October 2012 approved 5,637 units educational institutions. damco These plans, which have still not left the building.
Slowness with which the state operated schools damco provoked the action. Thus, some educational institutions have found specific solutions on land they own. Jerusalem learn now about 40 thousand students and the target is about 60 thousand students. Calcalist said the municipality factor "that some hostels are underway to increase the number of rooms. "Hadassah College promotes TPS Strauss Street include 70-100 units, damco and probably twice the number of beds. Machon Lev, educational institution for the religious and haredi divided into several campuses, promoting 100 housing units at Givat Mordechai, and the College of Engineering introduced dorm programs to be included the same number damco of rooms. In addition, Agron dormitories for students of Bezalel predecessor on urban land and will absorb about 200 students in the city center, "said damco the source." The municipality has accompanied the development plans of the institutions, but at the moment no larger programs related dormitory. In the past, after the second intifada, for six years was a grant given to students who moved into rented in the city center. Today there is an incentive for entrepreneurs to build small apartments that much of what is for rent. "
The source added that the municipality did not see active action is needed at the moment for its part will cause flooding of the city dormitories, leaving the field of action damco educational institutions. "The Hebrew University has a relatively new dormitories (BOT of Africa Israel). There are dormitories French Hill veteran Resnick and Edelson. Dormitories Stern Street in Kiryat Yovel were renovated after being habitable. Most belong there absorbed IDF medical reserve," said the source damco .
Even in Beersheba, beyond about a thousand programs promoted by the university dormitories, there is now additional programs of the municipality on public lands. One reason is the low rent and rental housing supply currently provide a suitable solution for students and will be tough competition, because a student can find a proper residence cost of $ 800-1,000 per month shared apartment. However, the municipality sought to encourage damco the transition of students into the Old City to revitalize the area, and offer a stipend of NIS 500 per student to do it.
Delegation of powers damco to local authorities for planning and setting damco up of homes made them develop creative models that will meet the students. Construction students who territories of schools includes two main tracks: damco As part of the first track developer will ask the municipality damco to build a project on private land, and when the project will reach the approval of the municipality it will demand in return for support in the project, which requires an increase in the number of housing units and reducing parking standard, to designate the student population. Attorney Eldad fruit, this project builds on the streets - where several academic institutions, including 8,000 students - said: "I went to the municipality for the benefit of students and asked project 37 units instead of 12. The municipality agreed, but forced me to remain the owner of the project, to the apartments for rent holding member
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