Further to what I have written here, I recently discovered already earlier period, the printers made with the use of two. In the first edition of the book "side road" by Rabbi Menachem ibn Zerah, printed Ferrara (Ferrara, Italy) in 1554, can be seen throughout the book, How to use the letter J as well as a substitute for a sign apostrophe ['] or marking acronyms and abbreviations. Here are examples:
My name is Eli Stern, other details as important. Between engagements work in a beautiful place called "pre - Auction". "Abbreviation" is used for conference inn my catching things, matters of ancient books and manuscripts, bibliographic novelties, curiosities from history, songs and poems, newspaper clippings, photographs, and more. If "the way" also you enjoy - my entire income ... automatic updates from this blog, please type your email address in Follow by Email (found here and below), and then confirm registration statement you receive in your email box automatically. Note: The information and images on this blog is for the purposes of teaching and / or research and is not intended to infringe copyright. If I used a picture or improper information, please inform and fix it immediately. Some information and images courtesy of "pre - Auction". All rights reserved Eli Stern content. Do not copy or make any other use without the express auto shipping permission. "Remnant of Israel will not do injustice". Comments, ideas, comments and suggestions, gladly accepted and approved of my e-mail box: elishteren@gmail.com. "When you teach", and just nice to hear from you ...
Holocaust Remembrance Day: "Bloody Wednesday" - unknown image
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