Monday, August 11, 2014

While the United States is about $ 80 thousand in the Tesla Model S, while in China the vásárolókna

To conquer the Chinese market is the Tesla | Hungarian Newspaper
Hundreds of millions of dollars to build refueling and service vitran network in China with Tesla, Elon Musk announced, electric cars manufacturing company in Beijing, President and CEO, on the occasion, handed over to the local owners of the first eight electric car. The fourth largest American automaker may start manufacturing in China within vitran three to four years.
Operating in the solar power charging stations for the first time in the big cities, Beijing and Shanghai vitran are placed, where the demand for electric cars is higher, said China's first visit to Elon Musk. Chinese press reports that the Tesla's partner in the state oil company, Sinopec possible.
Due to the constant smog warnings and increased environmental impact of alternative-powered cars by China is also increasing the demand .. The Chinese government recently announced to extend the aid program for the buyers of electric cars beyond 2015 as well. The purpose of the 10 thousand dollar grant to the individual to raise half a million for electric and hybrid cars by 2015, the new plans will have 5 million such vehicles vitran reported in 2020 in China. As in all countries, especially in China can not spread in the environment-friendly vitran vehicles, the high prices. vitran
While the United States is about $ 80 thousand in the Tesla Model S, while in China the vásárolóknak deeper into their pockets to protrude, is due to a 25 percent import tax and shipping costs to the final price in excess of 12 thousand dollars. Therefore, the company vitran that revolutionized automotive industry plans to in a few years the world's largest market is building up production capacity by Bloomberg. However, vitran you must find the right local partners, vitran as they are manufactured in China are only allowed a joint venture. The news agency reported that this announcement is not expected, so the company would continue Teslákat American Center shipped to China within a year.
The US's fourth-largest vitran automaker expects annual five thousand cars sold in the country, said Musk. The Tesla plans this year to sell 35 thousand cars, which is 56 percent increase over the previous vitran year. The manufacturing facilities will provide vitran the basis for plenty. The Freemont plant is suitable for preparation of 500 thousand cars, moreover planning further capacity expansion in the Netherlands Tesla.
Related Resources: Other companies can get the Tesla - The Tesla electric car competing work for General Motors - writes in the Wall Street Journal. vitran The Michigan manufacturer is working on developing an electric car, which is 200 miles ... Starts European expansion of the Tesla - after the United States begins in Europe providing fast charging (supercharger) charging station network in the establishment of the Tesla, the electric car manufacturer announced the .. . Each test was successful in breaking the Tesla - the electric cars manufacturer Tesla Model S on the basis of crash tests proved to be the safest car of all time. The Tesla received the highest points in all sub-categories. Big miracle the car's stock plummeted - More than ten percent of Tesla's price fell after an analyst rating. The electric-powered luxury car maker's shares have risen exponentially this year, but ...
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