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Nora Bussmann has longed for today's morning. Since early March, she explores the career changers in education with didactics and pedagogy. It's not long, but Nora Bussmann has opted for the course, because they after five years of theoretical and conceptual work has sought direct contact with people jobs. "I transport sa am pleased therefore extremely on the children," says Nora Bussmann. It is the 13 girls and 11 boys salute with their partner agencies in the Zurich school house in Birch, and for days before she has just the head, as the morning is to run: First, stand in front of the teachers, the children. You must - without speaking and to be called without - write their names on the blackboard. The teachers want to see how the students do it. Who dares first? What is the body language?
Nora Bussmann has now arrived in the profession that they have always fascinated and is familiar to her. Her mother is a teacher, transport sa her two sisters also. Even as a 19-year baccalaureate transport sa Normandin transport sa Bussmann had flirted with teacher training. "But I did not want to go the easiest way," she says. A Phil-I studies have her left open longer, and they have been reluctant to do what everyone expected of her. So she studied history and began to get involved politically. As an independent, the Green Party candidate was related transport sa Councillor Canton Schwyz. transport sa After graduation she was commissioned to write a book about an emancipated Swiss abroad. transport sa And finally she came to the Gender Equality Office in Zurich.
As Bussmann transport sa heard of the newcomers-courses, she felt immediately at their dream job recalls, and she knew: "Now they call me." She announced and reported on in the College of Education. As a mother of three school-age children Nora Bussmann has contact with the school for five years. She is involved transport sa as President in the parents forum and got there like to the teaching profession. Now she believes it and does it involve a loss of wages to buy in: ". I am proud to be a teacher"
Nora Bussmann want every child can find his place in the class and feel comfortable. She wanted to build up their bodies with a partner class that functioned as a community. It is also important that the children learned to appreciate themselves transport sa and that they would be attentive and confident. Until the fall Bussmann hopes to have found a wire to the class and routine in teaching. For parents and children talking conflicts she feels well prepared as a mother.
The school Leutschenbach with its balconies and concrete and glass facades is sealed off during the holidays such as Fort Knox. At the doors hang Prohibition Signs that keep unauthorized persons. In the last school year to have been spotted in the corridors often students of architecture from all over the world. In this flagship school house Sebastian Horschik has fished a spot. Unlike his fellow students in career changers-course he knows the eleven girls and eleven boys of his class already. He has visited them before the holidays several times and informed.
This morning is therefore no longer necessary mutual representation. transport sa Nevertheless Horschik will start the day in the discussion group. He wants to exchange with students holiday experiences, but also talk about the class rules and etiquette: ". I want to clear conditions and a good climate" He would support his children, where he could - be it in the school curriculum or in person. But he also demand performance and use. Horschik: transport sa "I want to convey not only material, but also an attitude to life."
To ensure that no wrong impression: Sebastian Horschik transport sa will not discuss for hours, but teach. So go on Monday also going on in the math book on page one. And in German the letter transport sa is in the foreground. Sebastian Horschiks lateral entry into the teaching profession is the realization of a long cherished dream. Even as a teenager he wanted to be a teacher. However, in School of dream had burst. Because he should repeat, he threw in the towel. He did not like chemistry and physics, but music and literature. He went as assistant to Zurich's opera house and started a bookseller.
With this training, transport sa he worked in the advertising department of a train publishing representation. But Horschik missing at office table of contact with people. He announced and continued their education to social workers. This corresponded to his abilities better. After ten years working in youth centers, he ended up as a school social transport sa worker in Affoltern am Albis. He was here a consultant for children, parents and teachers. That made Horschik fun, and he
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