Sunday, November 3, 2013

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Thursday, October 3, 2013, starting at 17:30 at the Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest - Le Diplomate Ballroom has launched the English version, the French and Italian, the White Paper on SMEs in Romania 2013 ' , paper published by the National Council of Private Small and Medium Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR) in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, Department for SME business environment and tourism.
The study was conducted by a team of specialists and is the most comprehensive and thorough analysis of the situation of SMEs in Romania, the entrepreneurial phenomenon, performance and problems of SMEs, the title reference in the literature, both in Romania and at EU level.
, White Paper on SMEs in Romania "- 2013 edition is both a picture of the evolutionary status of SMEs in Romania, as well as socio-economic context in which they operate, focusing on the overall performance commercial, financial, and social innovation.
Target groups to which the White Paper is for SMEs in Romania in 2013 are: entrepreneurs and managers of SMEs, which are in the paper numerous entrepreneurial environment and good information management practices useful to increase functionality and performance of firms in which they work; central and local government bodies with economic responsibilities, organizations, SMEs, other national organizations and trade unions, branch mmsi and territorial chambers of commerce and industry, etc..; leaders mmsi of national and local policies, interested in achieving an environment favorable business operators, national media, regional and county addressing economic and social issues, international organizations and bodies interested in the evolution of the business environment in Romania and increasing economic performance.
This paper presents the first set of recommendations for the development of SMEs in Romania, grouped into six areas: Facilitating access to finance preparation of entrepreneurial, managerial and specialist stimulate the development mmsi and increasing the competitiveness and performance of the SME sector in Romania Increasing capacity the survival and development mmsi of start-ups support regional development and governance quality real growth rate of absorption of EU funds.
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