Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cut down and away On October 21, the Antwerp city council decided that a number of areas free trans

The Flemish government does not want to talk about the Antwerp mobility knot because "the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not yet finished." But the first version of the EIS on November 8 ready and meanwhile the Flemish government and the Antwerp shipping calculator city government behind the scenes, however, busy with the preparations for the construction shipping calculator of the project that their preferred on the so-called BAM / Oosterweel route.
He has no good eye on what the Flemish drivers go with the EIA study to do, "in 2009, they referred to the study of the largest engineering company in the world to the trash. I fear that now the same spin will be given to the EIA report. . Which turn they will also try to give to the EIA report, before the elections the Antwerp traffic knot is not severed, because the environmental shipping calculator study for the A102 / R11bis and a cost-benefit analysis needs to be made. "
Cut down and away On October 21, the Antwerp city council decided that a number of areas free transfers to the Management Company Antwerp Mobile, or BAM (the government in Brussels in control). According to Manu Claeys is about hundreds of hectares, together with a value of at least 10 million. The transfer is part of the agreement of 2010 between Kris Peeters, Patrick Janssens and Bart De Wever which the Lange Wapper viaduct underground disappeared what the cost of the project of the Flemish Government did increase sensitivity. It was agreed that the city of Antwerp 170miljoen would carry those extra costs. That would be "painless" expired according to the previous city administration. Now shows that this is by giving off some revenue from the city to the Flemish government. Manu Claeys: "When the last college three years ago, said the Antwerp there would feel nothing we asked to explain to us again how the city goes 170miljoen insertion without that we would feel a thing. Of course we feel because those 170 million can not be used for schools, services and social projects. shipping calculator We now see a board that money anywhere on the search shipping calculator and at the same time must fulfill a contract that costs a lot of money. "
Is now with the finger pointed to the N-VA, while still mainly the Socialist Party was the city at that time led and was therefore shipping calculator responsible. Claeys: "You may not like party á la carte refer to the level that suits you best. N-VA was indeed but a small partner in the previous coalition, but was sitting in. So they were actually part of the board. At the Flemish level they were in the government, and it is the urban and the Flemish level who have decided together that city and port over 300miljoen had to bring in. "
Serene sabotage the government has always said that she thinks her BAM / Oosterweel route is best, so it is not entirely illogical that they continue to work on that track. shipping calculator There is not even really a spade inserted into the ground, and the transfer of the land is reversible. Is this or contradicts the fact that the Government states that they await the outcome of the EIA study?
Manu Claeys is the policy of the government just down on sabotage: "It is not true when they say that they serene the EIA report to bide his one hand they are busy preparing their Oosterweelverbinding through the transfer of land, supply building permits, conducting studies, etc., while on the other hand nothing is done for the alternatives. On the contrary, a prison is implanted directly shipping calculator on the alternative route Meccano ".
The deepest twist Peeters and Co. "It's not because the transfer of the land can be undone that there is no problem. In 2009 was the conclusion of the study ARUP-SUM that there would be no Oosterweelverbinding on the BAM route would be and that a solution had to be found built into the construction of a motorway around, rather than through the city. The Flemish Flemish government (and the Antwerp VLD, N-VA and CD & V, ed) the study of ARUP-SUM shipping calculator have then tipped into the bin (because the alternative route but "rough sketch" was and because plans for alternative yet were not as fleshed out as the Lange Wapper, ed). In 7000 engineers ARUP work, it is the largest engineering company is working on mobility in the world. Government and politicians have not only ignored shipping calculator that study, they have ignored shipping calculator the plebiscite. So it is feared that they will ignore the results of the EIA study. "
"The transfer of land and other preparations shipping calculator are indeed contradict the assertion that the government the results of the study se

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