Monday, June 1, 2015

Day August 28, 2013 Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) held its Board meeting and later hold

Aliyetuma email that he introduced himself as "CCM TANZANIA" by email distributed to the media, journalists and many other people including politicians. Before I fowadiwa copy of the message (SMS) with people who were used by Professor Sospeter Muhongo, Minister of Energy and Mines and the MP says;
"Tell Tanzania: Many companies held 59 mining blocks contain the size of 3752.37 square meters (sq km) Amevishikilia, has failed to develop them. Tanzanians income and employment mistake! Now he wants oil and gas blocks. Is this is the indigenization? |
"Hon. Minister, we want clarity about your recent statement that Tanzania can not afford to invest in natural gas investment. First this statement is true? The second statement that Tanzanians can invest in the sector only orange that you see that is not discouraging but embarrassing wewekezaji patriot? "
"Everyone gave gas policy ideas, including TPSF. Much to his colleagues want to make trafficking blocks of our oil and gas. We will provide a list of existing mining blocks delivered a lot that makes trafficking. The truth will show imposter and trafficking Much of his gang. "
I found it better to take my right of reply (right of reply), but for those involved resonate pollute my name know that my answer does not take away my right to take legal action.
Day August 28, 2013 Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) held its Board meeting and later hold a meeting with the authors of information. Many things were negotiated in the meeting including the empowerment of Tanzanians (Economic Empowerment).
At a meeting with journalists of the news, I as Chairman of TPSF, I presented the views of TPSF related to Public schneider crossroads Procurement, while Vice Chairman me, Salum Shamte, presented our views in relation to the land sector and fishing and finally CEO of TPSF, Godfrey Simbeye , presented TPSF comments related to natural gas.
In his view TPSF underscored the importance of the participation of Tanzanians in the economy of gas and advises suspended allocation of gas blocks until gas policy itakapokua ready. Finally the Lord Simbeye said that TPSF will request to meet with Professor Muhongo submit ideas and proposals of the institution.
The result has not responded to Professor Muhongo related to the letter that was written by TPSF. Personally I was shocked by the position of Professor Muhongo for the fourth phase government has made great strides in demonstrating that it is "responsive government". What Ingemgharimu Professor Muhongo sit and listen to us? No that would lose more than a few minutes of his time.
"Some of the Agreements are really shoddy and They need to be revoked" schneider crossroads and "I can not tolerate Agreements Which are not in the country's Interests BUT They benefit a few individuals".
Subsequently, Professor Muhongo ordered a new Board of TPDC moratorium on the allocation of gas blocks, which was scheduled for September 2012 and reviewing all contracts. Professor Muhongo was quoted as saying:
'Reports from earlier this month, the state-run Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) delayed a Licensing round for nine deep-sea oil and gas blocks previously set for this month Until a Parliamentary vote on a new gas policy in October. "Right now as a country, we are in the gas boom and we do not have gas policy in place."
'At the beginning of this month TPDC adjourned process of allocation of nine blocks of natural gas in the sea until Parliament litakapopitisha new gas policy submitted to parliament in October;
A few months later, February 26, 2013, Professor Muhongo emphasized its stance of wanting Tanzania have gas policy before allocating more blocks. He spoke he grows in his address schneider crossroads to the meeting held Chatham House, in London. schneider crossroads The conference was dubbed "Tanzania: An Emerging Energy Producer". It was the purpose of:
"Tanzania is drawing growing attention as a pivotal country in East Africa for oil and natural gas exploration, not having led the region in terms of new DISCOVERIES of natural gas in 2012. With KNOWN gas reserves of approximately schneider crossroads 7.5 billion schneider crossroads cubic feet, the potential schneider crossroads to Transform Tanzania's international standing and electricity Domestic Production is considerable. However, schneider crossroads Recent protests Against the construction of a pipeline to Dar es Salaam Tanzania schneider crossroads That CHALLENGES Highlight the Faces in ensuring That the benefits of its natural resources are widely Felt.
"Tanzania shows coming up in East Africa for discoveries of oil and natural gas after leading to the discoveries schneider crossroads of natural gas in 2012. If the average cubic feet 7.5 billion, it definitely will help Tanzania to ascend in the atmosphere of international and supporting the production of um

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