Saturday, December 14, 2013

I decided to do on how to embed subtitles in a movie or a video, but must necessarily Avi format. F

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I decided to do on how to embed subtitles in a movie or a video, but must necessarily Avi format. First download the program from this link avirecomp This is a package of programs for the installation should install them all in one folder. Then start the program. hamburg sud tracking It turns out your first window, which has the Open button Avi - there choose the movie. Below it there is a button Save Avi - there choose where to save the finished file. For there to choose how much to the size of the movie. It is best to remain as it was the original file. Additions to the second window the first thing is to select the subtitles. hamburg sud tracking There are buttons to select Subtitle. Then pressing it appears another named load subtitles and download hamburg sud tracking them. Always according the shape of subtitles can: Firstly if CPT can not touch any settings on them, but if they form ssa, right out your window settings. From there you can choose the color of the subtitle font, size, shade height. There encoding - vnimayvayte what you choose otherwise may have Subbiano of maymunitsa. I choose option POZRAZBIRANE - demek should remain as they are in Cyrillic. And then use the button to save the settings. hamburg sud tracking On the same window you click logo. Can only be in bmp format. To the right of the logo is loading settings in which to choose where to go logo during the movie. Right or left, and also how long the logo to be shown during the film. It may be only a few minutes, or throughout the film. That you choose. The next window settings - third row. There just put a check turbomod, otherwise touching. On the fourth Tasks window first select a review to see how it looks with built Subbiano film. If you do not like how it is, adjust the settings from the above that while I set them up so you better watching you. Then you are done with it. You have added the task button. Press it and then launches. Depending on the power of the computer can be ready files from 30 to 60 minutes, this is a medium fast computers. Mine is quite old and going for 2 hours. E there was a problem after the finished file. It happens to the divergence of sound and picture. It is removed by searching for programs to match the sound or easier for me - just embed it again, hamburg sud tracking but another release is not a movie. If and second release is still a discrepancy, then a third. I am not to third enough but nothing is known already. hamburg sud tracking Release all groups there. If you have any questions just ask here in the thread.
Congratulations for the idea! Link avirecomp lacking. Otherwise (maybe) will be easier if you make screen-shots ... or sample clip how do - something like this. Once again - thank you! E:

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